• Ex-Reddit Account (nuked): u/justlookingfordragon

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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Bathroom products. In fact, they’re currently located between the TP/paper towel section and the liquid soap dispensers & refill bags.

    Granted, they DO look like white chocolate or something similar, but the product placement, package and the fact that it did not taste like food should have been rather obvious hints to maybe check the package again instead of driving all the way back to the store to yell at the employees. At least he had the decency to be embarrassed about it instead of starting the usual “you lost a customer, I’ll never shop here again” shouting match, which is a big plus.

    PS: he got a refund, but only because he was polite as soon as he realized his mistake. Normally, any sort of hygiene product is excluded from refunds, especially when it has bite marks.

  • I work in customer service. I wouldn’t say that 90% of ALL people are stupid, but an astounding number of the people I have to deal with have … unique ways of thinking, so to speak.

    The most recent example was an olderly man who was absolutely furious because a box of candy he bought for his wife “tasted absolutely disgusting”. We’re talking about something similar to this but I won’t link our actual product as I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information.

    Either way, those are friggin’ bath bombs. It says so on the effing package. Just because they’re labeled “vegan” doesn’t mean that they’re edible FFS!

  • To be honest, I get the feeling that the OP isn’t interested in a good faith argument and just wants to push an agenda, given how hard they try to change their question to get the answers they want to hear … logic and reason won’t help much with this kind of discussion.

    And looking at some of the other comments here (not yours, for the record), I’d better leave this thread before it deteriorates too much ^^° I’ll leave that drama to people who can handle it (I have a bit of a thin skin today, sorry)

  • The fight-fuck hormones.

    You seem to be under the impression that “fight and fuck” are the only things caused by sexual hormones.

    There have been studies how low testosterone/estrogen levels affect overall health:

    Symptoms include hot flashes, hair loss, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, fatigue, decreasing bone mass (osteoporosis), declining cognitive functions. increased risk of anemia, low blood pressure. (Testosterone, Estrogen)

    This applies to both hormones by the way. Every human body, no matter their assigned gender, produces both Testosterone and Estrogen, albeit at different levels. If you would somehow delete both T and E from your body completely, you’d end up as a depressed, overweight, brittle-boned, constantly tired person with memory issues and a messed-up sleep schedule.

    Does that answer your question about how it would affect society?

  • The heart doesn’t care where the adrenaline comes from - the strain on the organ will be the same either way. Anything that makes your pulse and/or blood pressure go up can pose a risk, independendly from whether or not it is “just a game”.

    …but like others have said already: better ask an actual doctor for advice on how to handle the situation. Maybe “small doeses” will be okay, or you can get a way to monitor your vitals and take a break before you get too worked up, but an actual medical professional should decide that in the end.

  • …and even if it loads, it’ll be grainy and ugly and consists of eight or so pixels - maybe nine if your connection is top tier. Before I nuked my account, I redownloaded all videos I had uploaded over the course of the last couple of years, but then decided against reuploading them to youtube because all of them look like sh*t now. I’d be embarrassed to put something like that into my YT account.

    … and it is defo reddit’s fault, because when I uploaded the videos back in the day I often struggled to keep the file size under 1GB, whereas the same videos downloaded later now have 87 MB on average … less than a tenth of the original data, still the same lenght and content, but the quality took a huge, very noticable nosedive.