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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024


  • Thanks, this is what i was talking about. I think i eat a healthy amount of meat, mostly white ones because of health and because istg chickens in specific have no souls. Most argumens you used can actually be outweighed by “i just like meat a lot”, which is fine, but they are still relevant to choose what meat. I mean compare, in terms of ethics, health, sustainability, and even taste a McDonald’s and a halal butcher shop.

    What i try to say is that respect is just as important, if not more, than ethics; and you need both along with a little bit of reading to get a balanced point of view.

    …Biggest problem is I’m broke af and bad meat is cheaper than good meat and no meat, ethics are a luxury not everyone can afford 🥲

  • I love how you just went “HAHA, CHECKMATE ANIMAL GENOCIDES” out of nowhere. This is why you get hate, you don’t know what a fact or a point is, and your ethics are weak. Just explain why a) you need to do diet gymnastics and take supplements to avoid animal products if they are so bad and b) are you implying every carnivore and omnivore animal is a monster?

    As i said, you do you, but be coherent and respectful. I respect vegans, morons are harder.

    Edit: I refuse to reply to someone unable to stop disrespecting others.

  • I’m not against vegans, but where the hell did you read that meat is bad? You can have an opinion, but that’s just not a fact. Period.

    If you go and tell people they are “weak” and they “100% just have cognitive dissonance” for not accepting a hot take as a fact, how do you expect anything but people confronting you? You can’t expect civilized discussions if you literally open by disrespecting the other party and dismissing anything they might argue ;-;

  • Once a software vendor demonstrates theyre untrustworthy, why would I risk using their products?

    How are you using windows then? They’ve had innumerable security breaches, not to talk about how MS demonstrates again and again that the only thing they care about is money. Does “trustworthy” mean “american” or “only sells my data to the USA gov and other US companies” then sure, it is trustworthy as fuck.

    Of course you will invalidate that with some mental gymnastics, but this same thing happens even with freaking usb (charge only, mind me) cables from aliexpress, with people saying they have fucking chips to spy on you. Again, racism.

    And spare us from the sophist personal attack on people you disagree with

    Try to put it however you want, but hating anything that comes from one place just because of that, then adding excuses is fucking racist.

    except there’s no question of there being significant Russian efforts to meddle in the US and other countries.

    And here comes the grand patriotic justification for racism! If you really don’t have shit to say about the actual software, just block me or something and spare me from your presence :)