• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • People have the right to do as they please, even if it means choosing a path toward their own demise.

    People aren’t unaware of climate change. Everyone knows about it. What you’re seeing is a manifestation of the average human’s ranking of climate change in their own list of things to be concerned about.

    You have no right to tell someone that climate change is more important than the things they choose to focus on instead.

    If you think they’re mistaken about what’s on the table, like they underestimate the danger or something like that, then the right move is to inform them. All this protest activity is implicitly based on the assumption people just sort of … forgot about climate change.

    They didn’t. They just don’t prioritize it over the other problems in their lives. Which is their right.

  • It’s a term that refers to any medicinal strategy which includes providing small amounts of the same pathogen or another substance which causes the same symptoms.

    homeo = matching the
    pathy = disease

    Two examples of mainstreamed homeopathic treatments are:

    • the administration of a rabies vaccine to someone suspected of already being infected
    • the use of capsaicin creams to treat chronic pain

    It’s differentiated from “allopathic” medicine, which is when you use something that the opposite or indices opposite symptoms.

    allo = opposite of the
    pathy = disease

    Most mainstream medicine is allopathic medicine:

    • taking an anti inflammatory drug to reduce inflammation
    • taking beta blockers when your blood pressure’s too high
    • using lenses which produce -3.5 diopters of focus when your eyes have a +3.5 diopter focus deficit

    In a drive to provide supply for the desire to make fun of people, the internet has decided homeopathy refers to mega-diluted water potions. It’s classic straw man shit writ large, fur the satisfaction of mocking people.

    Homeopathy = pushing the same direction as a disease, to trigger the body’s own anti-disease mechanisms

    Allopathy = pushing back against the disease with the medicine, because the body’s anti-disease mechanisms are exhausted or absent