Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The best part is that this is just run of the mill environmental imbalances for the planet. It’s faced far worse scenarios than this. Even if we caused nuclear holocaust, the planet has seen similar natural events in the past.

    Even if the ocean dies right now, it’s happened before and after a few million years it all came back.

    So in the scale of millions of years … the planet is just suffering from a flu.

    It’s us that will be destroyed and eliminated in the process.

    From the planet’s perspective, we aren’t a civilization, we’re a temporary infection.

  • Got it … I didn’t know instances could censor out certain words … it makes sense though

    I try to be careful with my posts and commenting to try to stay in line with rules and decorum but I find myself often tripping over my own tongue either with the words I misuse or the ideas I spit out without thinking

    The ‘R’ word here is a bit of a stretch as the word can be used in ways that have nothing to do with personal insults or degradation … but I do understand why it needs to be controlled because it’s been used so abusively on the internet

    It’s another item I will have to be careful about so thanks for the heads up.

  • I think we are imagining the problem, the solutions and the consequences in different ways.

    You’re worried about the possibilities of what could be and imagine the problems it may cause.

    I’m worried about what is happening now, what exists today and the problems it is causing in real time.

    If we do nothing, then current problems persist and we avoid the uncertainty of alternatives. The only problem with that is that we will never realize what the alternatives could be … either a more manageable society with more distributed power … a repeat of the same system we live in today but with the power given to different actors … or a far worse situation than we live in today.

    None of this is to imagine that it would create an instant utopia or dystopia … we are human and many of the social problems we have today will persist no matter what we create in the future.

    So the final thought is … We either gamble on the certainty of inequality and power willingly given to those with the most wealth … or we take the chance on attempting to create a new system.

  • The problems were always the same since we left the cave our ancestors emerged from … modern billionaires only exacerbate the existing problems we always had a billion times more.

    They are also the ones stonewalling everyone’s incentive to want to do anything significant about our world’s problems. Instead of doing anything to fight about climate change which will severely affect our world … we are fighting regional wars that shouldn’t even be conflicts in the first place. And yes, much of the global problems we are facing today stem from a global corporate system which is controlled by a handful of billionaires … they are the root of why we fight and they are also the solution to how these conflicts will end.

  • One of the financial aspects it would deal with is … the idea of infinite growth and profits.

    Limiting wealth would limit profits everywhere … which sounds bad for small groups of people and investors in any one sector. Everyone has the mentality of wanting to control one corner of the financial market and then make it grow exponentially without limits to an imaginary infinity … all of which is impossible.

    By limiting individual wealth … wealth would then be allowed to spill over to more people. The wealth is still there but it is now in the hands of more people instead of a small group of people.

    In our current system, we keep watching our financial markets grow every year with the expectation that they will keep rising forever while the amount of wealth everywhere is limited. In order to make it grow, debt has to be created and in order to pay for the debt, more debt is created and on and on to infinity.

    The system I imagine puts limits on infinite growth, profit and wealth … the system that exists is only possible if a small group of people can continually achieve infinite wealth with limited resources.

    What makes more sense.

    And like I keep saying … removing billionaires won’t solve the world’s problems … but it would really make it a whole lot easier to deal with the world’s problems.

  • Taxation … after a certain level of wealth, all excess wealth is either taxed completely or near completely and it would discourage anyone from wanting to gain too much excessive wealth.

    It wouldn’t turn our world into a utopia … there will always be aholes that will want to run and control the world. The difference would be that they would have less power and less ability to actually be able to control the world.

    And yes billionaires are not the only problem to our world’s problems but they are a big part of it … they are also actively the ones who make it harder for everyone else to solve the world’s problems. So getting rid of them may not solve the world’s problems … but it would make it a whole lot easier to deal with the problems we already have.