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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • More like, imagine walking into a cafe and thinking you can dictate what other people are talking about because you don’t like it, instead of just finding a table with conversation you enjoy.

    Going up to tables and telling them to talk about something different is about 1000x more annoying than the initial issue, especially when the topic of conversation is clearly labeled on the table and you have the ability to completely mute them. Inexplicably, you seem to have decided bitching at them would be more productive than just curating your feed like everyone else.

  • I’m not sure I’m convinced there truly are that many skills an average person can’t gain proficiency in with a reasonable amount of time and effort. Sure, some people are more adept at things than others and maybe you’ll never gain a level of proficiency in music to become a professional musician, but given a little dedication most everyone can learn to play an instrument.

    I think because often all we see is the output, it’s easy to discount the time and effort someone put in to get there. I once had a yoga teacher tell me I was so lucky to be “naturally flexible” because I had no idea how much some people struggled with it. Meanwhile, as a dancer, I had been stretching 5x/week for like 10 years to get to that point and was very inflexible before that and only moderately flexible when the comment was made haha.

  • Oh man, I have something sort of similar going on. My company apparently appends a disclaimer at the end of our emails sent externally but doesn’t show up on our end at all. I noticed when re-reading an email chain with my quoted reply and there was a huge block of text… in Spanish. I’m not sure if I’m even supposed to have a disclaimer at all (could be on by default for everyone) but certainly not in Spanish since I don’t speak it. Such an odd thing and also leaves me wondering did someone fat finger something or what the hell happened? It feels especially weird because my last name is Spanish origin and people do frequently mistake me for being Latina (I’m Filipino lol.) Even if I did speak Spanish though, all of my business is within the US so it wouldn’t make sense to have the disclaimer exclusively in Spanish.