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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • I talked to Japanese colleagues about this a lot. The issue isn’t just plain old xenophobia. In a lot of cultures, when someone gets married, there are considerations about marrying ‘the right kind’ for the family. As silly as that might sound to U.S. ‘melting pot’ ears, these could be tribal, economic, linguistic, geographic, class, education, age, gender, and yes, race.

    In traditional settings, the elders have to bless that marriage, welcome the person, and ideally have the families mesh together and be on the same page.

    Inviting foreigners with vastly different backgrounds on almost all those axes, it’s a pretty tall order to ask everyone to change those attitudes. And saying one family should close their eyes and do it for the sake of the country while their neighbors hold out for a ‘suitable’ match is going to be tough. The demographic ‘time bomb’ has been a known issue since the 80s and people are still resistant to change.

    At some point, though, realities catch up.

    My bet would be it would take a generational turnover and a few years of popular sitcoms normalizing it.

  • 12+ years on Reddit. Walked away in disgust after the API fiasco and killing Apollo. Found Voyager here and that really helped the transition.

    I miss the local subs, especially related to current events, and game day threads of local baseball team. Haven’t found a good replacement (the Athletic has them but they’re harder to navigate). On current events, unless it’s a really big national news story, not much.

    Between the loss of Reddit and Twitter, I feel like I’m getting less realtime news. But in retrospect, it didn’t really matter. I’m actually fine reading about something two days later once the outrage has died down.

    My daily usage definitely dropped, which is a good thing. I’ve been reading digital and physical books more instead of mostly a diet of audiobooks and podcasts. If there’s some idle time, I dip into a book instead of reflexively checking social media.

    FWIW, Lemmy has the same vibe as Reddit 10 years ago. I’m planning on sticking around and contributing more.

  • Let’s not forget… the reason this type of licensing exists is because large cloud providers were taking a large code base and selling them as services . Often, the main path for the creators to make any money from their code is to offer a paid, managed tier, along with professional services. They would end up competing, and losing, against those cloud providers.

    Not saying this kind of license is good or bad, but the reason is often not to stop self-hosting or screw contributors, but to maintain couple of the only pathways FOSS can bring in revenue.

    • To jump out, they would need to open the doors. There would be problems with decompression at above 10K.
    • You have to deal with people unable to use parachutes. Children, elderly, disabled, afraid of heights, and panicked.
    • There’s an assumption an airplane remains level enough. If it’s spinning or nose down, trying to reach an exit is another problem.
    • If jumping out ahead of the wing, there’s a risk of getting sucked into the engines.
    • Parqchutes are bulky. Trying to get them out of storage and distribute them to a couple hundred untrained people is a tall order.
    • Putting on a parachute, correclty strapping it, knowing when and where to pull the cord, and knowing how to land without breaking bones, hitting tree branches, or ditching into water. These are all issues you can’t teach during preflight safety instruction.

    Overall, everyone would be better off staying put, not panicking, and hoping a plane and trained pilots can get everyone on the ground, safely.

  • There are bleacher seats with back support, but they are cumbersome to carry and if you stand up, you can knock them onto the people behind you. Also, they’re a bit anti-social in a sold out event where everyone’s squeezed in.

    I’ve found inflatable bleacher cushions to be a good option. Some store very small in a pouch, then you blow them up at the game. If you tip them off the seat, nobody gets hurt. No back support, but they make sitting a lot more comfortable.