Do not trust anything I write down. I have this horrible habit of not checking sources.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Helped a friend flee Myanmar the day the news hit.

    He was lucky he had a passport so he could immediately start the visa process. The next day there were queues in front of the Thai embasseys and consulates of thousands of people. Thai officials announced they’d only process 400 requests a day.

    when my friend finally arrived in Thailand, immigration took all the Burmese nationals aside for hightened scruteny. It took him more than 4 hours of being detained and questioned. I suspect they wanted a bribe (they used all kinds of bullshit reasons to send hin back, like "1000 usd is insufficient amount of cash to havr with you, 1000 usd is not Thai Bhat, return ticket is fake (it was not)).

    they eventually let him pass because we made noise through our Thai connections. The rest of the Burmese nationals who were detained were likely sent back.

  • Looks thick enough to scoop it off with a dull knife or spoon. if you wanna use products, go from sfe to harmfull, depending on what the wheels are made of. You don’t want to damage those. I’d start with water. Soak em overnight in water, chances are it will come off easily after that. If not, you can try alcohol as mentioned in other comments. It looks thick, so it will need time to work in. Petrol or kerosine will work, but check compatibility with your wheels first.