🌐 Ireland

🏄 Surfer

💻 Developer

⌨️ Keyboard elitist (sorry!)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • No system worked better for me than hledger - a doubly entry accounting tool for text files. It is super extensible, privacy focused and will be usable in 20 years still. No other tool has helped me stay on top of my finances as well as this, and I have tried them all. This is very subjective of course, but you might want to give it a try.

  • flip@lemmy.nbsp.onetoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldCan I ask this girl out?
    11 months ago

    I would have reminded you of the power imbalance that might be there, but since you are sensitive enough, I would say you are fine. Just make sure she absolutely knows it is fine if she says no, and that you have another dispensery you can go to for a while if she says no, just to make things not awkward. Otherwise, go for it! You cannot always meet people you like at a bar or whatever people do these days.

    //Edit: Wishing you all the best!

  • I don’t know. While I do not want to downplay the pressure and uncertainty these kids experience (you missed climate change), there are common patterns that repeat:

    • job uncertainty has been seen in recessions before, globalization lead to cheaper labour that put people out of jobs (or gave new opportunities)
    • there was once a time of the constant threat of a nuclear war
    • 9/11 deeply cut into the feeling of safety of multiple generations

    I feel the isolation is unique, for sure, but at the same time one can interact with others more freely than ever.

    Things repeat, even the ancient Greek complained that the youth becomes stupider and uses language improperly etc.