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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • “Hey! Stop that! Be genocided in peace! How dare you fight back!”

    Look, if we’re gonna agree that Israel has been occupying Palestine for decades and abusing them for decades, at a certain point you need to admit that Hamas isn’t 100% at fault. Just like how the USs actions in the Middle East increased extremism and terrorism, so has Israel’s. You can’t keep murdering mothers and fathers and expect the children to grow up thinking that “peace as dictated by your oppressors” is the solution.

  • And if your friend isn’t convinced by you and somehow missed the months long protest, destruction of third party apps, and mass exodus, honestly they should stay in reddit. We don’t need another Facebook.

    Plus, have you considered that Lemmy isnt singularly owned? You literally can’t say ANY of what you want to say in your ads. “We don’t have ads”. Really? You can assure me that no single instance has ads? Which instance are you even going to link to? Your own? What makes that one special? What happens when you advertise for “Lemmy” and people find the intolerant instances and assume that’s all of the fediverse? What about other offshoots like kbin and mastodon? Not gonna advertise for them? And why should I trust you with money in the first place? For all I know it’s just a scam to collect money and run. What happens when someone else pops up claiming that their donation campaign is the real one and yours is fake? Literally anyone can spin up an instance and claim to be “doing it for Lemmy!”

    Yeah, hard hard hard no

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.mlShould Lemmy buy ads on Reddit?
    2 months ago

    Lmfao. Lemmy was PLASTERED on the front page. It was on r/place along with “FUCK SPEZ”. If you missed it, you’re just not even looking. And if you’re not even looking and don’t care and think reddit is just wonderful, again, do we really want you?

    And seriously, with Lemmy being FILLED with “dae Linux?” and “communism good” posts and programming humor hitting my front page HOURLY, you’re honestly trying to tell me “the programmers and lefties don’t know about this place”? Seriously?!?!

  • And you think that the people who already saw entire subreddits shutdown in protest, with Lemmy plastered all over the place as an alternative, who decided to stay after all the content creators left, THOSE PEOPLE, are the ones you want to now court over?

    Again, quality vs quantity.

    We already gained the quality contributors from reddit. Advertising now is just drawing from the bottom of the barrel.

  • “are you sick of ads? Heres an ad!” Doesn’t have the same impact you think it does.

    Also, food for thought: you really want to invite the kind of people who can’t use adblockers here? Barriers to entry aren’t necessarily a bad thing. You want quality, not quantity. More people isn’t necessarily better. And the people who stuck by reddit and spez through all of that?

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    Minimum wage is $15 in my state, so wtf are you talking about?

    Landlords pay taxes on their property. Pay utilities. They dont have “every need met” or they wouldn’t need to charge rent in the first place.

    You’re just arguing that the system is too broken fix. Which is even more reason why we should instead of shoving our heads in the sand.

    But nah, too haaaaaard. Grrrr. Bad people will keep being bad so no point doing good. Grrrr.

    Fucking loser.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    If people aren’t living lay heck to paycheck, afraid of where the next meal comes from, they spend more. You forget that this money will first go to the most needing first. Yes their landlord will pocket some of that. But they will have a reliable place to sleep. They will go out and buy food. Their landlord will pay utilities and taxes… It’s not perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than denying those who need it the necessities because “well some people might profit down the line”. Then fix the rental laws. Fix labor laws. It’s not a complete solution, but at least it’s something in the right direction.

    And way to miss the point of the analogy by latching on to one trivial difference. “It’s a one time payment” doesn’t change what kind of payment it is and why it’s given. It’s still free money. If you’re gonna be that pedantic, I think your meant to be on Reddit still.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    It’s the same argument behind stimulus checks tbh. You give people money so that they can spend it on necessities and that money goes right back into the economy. Since our economy is based on growth and spending, more people spending money overall helps the economy, not hurts it. In addition, you’re spending less money on solving societal issues. Well fed sheltered people cause less problems.