The Stoned Hacker

Just passin’ through

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • There’s a very common anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that a Jewish cabal runs the world from the shadows and manipulates/is the world elite.

    There are a lot of ways to disprove this but I think the easiest is to just look at the world currently: there is a “cabal” that “runs the world”, but no they are not all Jews nor are they secretly plotting all the bad things to happen. Really it’s a disparate set of individuals and organizations that have their own goals and agendas but who all have a shared, vested interest in maintaining the status quo and it’s trajectory. And some are in contact or proximity with others, but it isn’t usually some massive overarching “world order”. Yes you do see the individuals or organizations conspiring together, but it isn’t some massive syndicate. It’s people with shared interests trying to utilize every advantage they can. Or they just shoot the shit, who knows. My point is that while there are “shadowy” figures at the top who hold important positions of power, wealth, influence, and status, they’re just people and groups trying to maximize on their opportunities, as is the unfettered nature of capitalism. And no they aren’t all Jews.

  • I would like to point out that while no form of stalking is acceptable and I will not be engaging with it further, the information I was finding wasn’t any new or revelatory; its the information I had forgotten over the years. But i agree, it’s harmful to my healing journey, invades her privacy, and is overall just a shitty thing to do.

    As for the weed, it serves a very specific purpose in my life that changes from time to time and is consistently reevaluated. It’s not to numb me, and I do monitor my consumption for abnormal effects. I am a fully functional adult, with emotional awareness and regulation, while stoned.

  • Thanks for your insight! I do look at the relationship now and see that we were both exceptionally flawed people and there’s baggage from that relationship (unrelated to this) that I’ve had to take care of. I’ve done what I can to map it out because I’m also quite similar in that regard, but it just keeps feeling like dead end after dead end. We weren’t the best to each other, but we certainly weren’t horrible people just young and dumb. I have had to deal with not placing her on a pedestal though.

    Someone else said it may be me still trying to process the unexpected failure of the relationship rather than longing for the person themselves, and I think it could be a good lead for further analysis. It feels like a good idea as a lot of my what ifs towards her are about what could’ve gone differently or what may go differently if there’s a second chance. But contrary to some of the people here, I don’t really want a second chance. My ex kinda hated weed and i smoke it daily. She didn’t like smokers and well my cigarette consumption is down but my nicotine usage is still sky high. I’m not the young, brighteyed kid she played D&D with but someone who’s been hardened by time and paranoia (im in cybersecurity, it comes with the territory). I know it wouldn’t work now for the same reasons it didn’t work then. And understanding that the loss of the relationship was neither of our faults but just poor circumstances that were largely unavoidable (although i did try).