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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • In 1885 the legal age of consent in the UK was raised to 16. The average life expectancy of adults had barely changed.

    So while this disproves your correlation theory, it’s also important to remind the reader that correlation is not the same as causation. Society, the role of government, the rule of law and its encroachment on personal choice changed hugely from the 13th Century and 17th Century - I would therefore claim that society would not have been accepting of paedophilia in the 13th Century despite the lack of law.

    Sexual desire of prepubescent children has, as far as I know, never been considered the norm.

  • Are your teachers reading your screens a lot? Because it’s a PITA to read if you’re not using it yourself.

    Also if you demo code you should switch to the more traditional so that others don’t have a hard time reading.

    Basically it’s just down to the human brains amazing ability to do pattern recognition subconsciously so you don’t have to actively think about what that symbol means - unless someone used a different symbol.

  • You are wrong.

    This war is also in the interests of Putin.

    Putin decided to start the war of aggression.

    Putin invaded Ukraine.

    Ukraine gave up its nuclear arms on the guarantee of security from Russia. Russia has violated that guarantee by invading them.

    Putin can end the war today.

    US can not end the war today. Even if it left Ukraine alone, Ukraine would still fight to the end.

    EU can not end the war today. See above.

    The fastest and easiest way to end the bloodshed is for Russia to withdraw today.

    Leaving Ukraine to defend itself wouldn’t even end the bloodshed. After Russia has completed its revised objectives it would invade the entirety of Ukraine under newer revised objectives. Then it would invade other neighbours under other revised objectives. The bloodshed would continue until the USSR is reformed and a new cold war begins.

    Those suggesting the only way to end the bloodshed is through capitulation to the aggressor need to study their history better to see that capitulation to the aggressor never stopped an aggressor, it just lead to them going further until stopped.

    Imagine if the USA invaded Mexico - no one would be saying Mexico should end the bloodshed. And the USA’s adversaries sure as hell would be doing everything they can to help Mexico.

    For those in the back: Putin withdrawing from his war of aggression is the only known way to end the bloodshed today. All other solutions would result in further bloodshed.

  • You know Dropbox? Google drive? OneDrive? That’s file synchronisation. Files across multiple devices kept in sync by the software provider. Except in the named cases above, all your data is uploaded to their servers. With syncthing there’s no cloud server, just your devices operating over the internet. So you have some backup responsibility to cover.

    Caveat: I’ve never used syncthing and I wrote the above with a total of 10 seconds of reading their website and so it is entirely possible I’m completely wrong about everything and so I emplore you to do your research.

  • Yeah I get the same impression from the general chatter but no one seems to ever say what’s bad about NordVPN. I find their software pleasing to use, the meshnet functionality saves me some trouble, and the speeds seem to be very high and it’s reliable.

    There’s other stuff their marketing material speaks to that people can choose to believe or not, but the above is why I subscribed.

    If folks ever shared good, verifiable reasons to not use them I’d certainly look elsewhere.

    Also - what’s not practical about Tor? Seems perfectly practical for my purposes.