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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s true that you can easily fall into analysis paralysis when you start learning JS, but honestly things have somewhat stabilized in recent years. 10 years ago everybody was switching frameworks every 6 months, but these days we’re going on 8+ years of absolute React dominance. So I guess that’s it for the view layer.

    The data layer has seen some movement in more recent years with Flux then GraphQL / Relay, but I think most people have settled on either Apollo or react-query now (depending on your backend).

    On the backend there was basically only express.js, and I think it’s still the king if you only want to write a backend.

    Static websites came back in fashion with Jekyll and Github Pages so Gatsby solved that problem in js-land for a while, but nowadays Next also fulfills that niche, along with the more fullstack-oriented apps.

    Svelte, Vue, Aurelia and Mithril are mostly niche frameworks. They have a dedicated, vocal fanbase (see the Svelte guy as sibling to your comment) but most of the industry has settled along the lines I’ve mentioned.

  • ebc@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlJust getting into JS
    2 months ago

    Honestly I think the main thing that the JS ecosystem does well is dependency / package management (npm). The standard library is very small so everything has to be added as a dependency in package.json, but it mostly works without any of the issues you often see in other languages.

    Yeah, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than anything else I’ve tried:

    • Python’s approach is pretty terrible (pip, easy_install, etc.) and global vs local packages
    • Ruby has its own hell with bundler and where stuff goes
    • PHP has had a few phases like python (composer and whatnot) and left everyone confused
    • Java needs things somewhere in its $PATH but it’s never clear where (altough it’s better with Gradle and Maven)
    • C needs root access because the only form of dependency management is apt-get

    In contrast, NPM is pretty simple: it creates a node_modules and puts everything there. No conflicts because project A uses left-pad 1.5 and project B uses left-pad 2.1. They can both have their own versions, thank you very much.

    The only people who managed to mess this up are Linux distributions, who insist on putting things in folders owned by root.

  • ebc@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlJust getting into JS
    2 months ago

    To any non-js dev taking this too seriously: A good half of the technologies mentioned in this meme are redundant, you only need to learn one of them (in addition to the language). It’s like complaining that there are too many Linux distributions to learn: you don’t, you just pick one and go with it.

  • I think you’re conflating 2 other things: Religion and culture.

    Jews as a religion should absolutely not be allowed their own nation state, just as Islam shouldn’t and Christianity certainly shouldn’t either. In fact, there should be no religion-states at all. One of the fundamental values in democratic societies is freedom of religion; people should be allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Any state that interferes with that right is in violation of one of the basic human rights, and a religion-state is by definition violating that right.

    Jews as a culture should absolutely be allowed their own nation state, in fact, that’s what Israel is. Such a state is indeed allowed to have interests, but “exterminating all non-Jews in the country” isn’t a legitimate interest. In fact, you’ll recall that a world war was triggered because a country wanted to exterminate a specific ethnic / religious group not only within their borders but also in their neighbors’ country. Such a state is also allowed to defend itself, but I think it’s normal for a persecuted people to resort to terrorism when other avenues for ending their persecution failed. That doesn’t give the right to the persecuter to persecute even more. You’ll note that we also heavily criticize the US for their “war on terrorism”, and rightly so. Gaza is also not an existential threat to Israel the way Russia is to Ukraine either. There’s a world of difference between the 2 conflicts.

    So yeah, I guess I agree with you in part (there’s a difference between Jews in general and the Israeli government), but I really disagree with you on the “Jewish nation” part.

    That said, I’m just a random dude from the other side of the world, and I don’t know anything about the specifics of the situation in the country, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

  • I’ve had very good success with Zigbee stuff, TP-Link Kasa outlets (but I’ve put them on a different router / subnet that doesn’t have Internet access), and ESPHome.

    Tuya stuff sucks (keeps disconnecting), JuiceBox (my car charger) changed their app so the integration doesn’t work anymore, and the Aqara zigbee door sensors never worked for me (they pair perfectly, but then disconnect and never come back on).

    So yeah, in my experience, once it works, it works, as long as there’s no cloud involved.

  • ebc@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlMy poor RAM...
    10 months ago

    As a freelance fronted dev, I really love Docker. I don’t need to mess up my system installing ancient Java versions or whatever Python wants to easy_install, pip or whatever, I can just run the backend Docker image and go on with my life. Especially when project A’s backend has incompatible Java/Ruby/Python dependencies with project B.

    You can shit on npm all you want (yes, I was there for left_pad), but at least they got the dependency issues between projects solved.