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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Well, I’m downtown right now and I no longer have my tablet with me. But here’s from the horse’s mouth. It says Galaxy Tab S, but it applies to all Galaxy tablets. There you can see the ctrl key on the tablet’s default keyboard. That key has full functionality for the common shortcuts. That’s undo, redo, copy, cut, paste, and select all. I use them all the time ever since I got it. Both tablets and phones can undo and redo if you connect a bluetooth keyboard to them too.

    The Samsung keyboard for phones also acquires the powers of undo and redo if you activate the swipe gestures.

    I don’t know why it is so simple on the tablet but not on the phones, but whatever. It’s a UX quirk, it’s not some magic that the keyboards are creating. Android has an UndoManager right in the OS since before 2018. It is what apps that have undo buttons use themselves.

  • That’s a problem with attitudes about sex and lack of impulse control during competition. The same could be said about doing your taxes before a tournament. It can take your focus, but it is not the taxes fault. It’s your lack of impulse control to keep your mind focused on the competition. Bad coaches ignore that there is a strong psychological component to training. But it has nothing to do with the sexual nature of the stimulus, just what you do with it and what is the attitude towards it.

    Still, absolutely nothing to do with any physiological element of performance. Jerking one off the night before is not going to knock off anything, much less weight in your lifting personal record, for instance.

  • Because by design, once an AI implementation finds a use, it changes names. It has to, it’s just how marketing this stuff works. We don’t use writer AI, we have predictive text; we don’t have vision AI, we have enhanced imaging cancer diagnosis; we don’t have meeting’s AI, we have automatic transcription; we don’t have voice AI, we have software dictation. And this is not exclusive to AI, all fields of technology research follow the same pattern. Because selling AI is a grift. No matter how much you want to fold it, it’s the same thing as selling NFT or Blockchain or any of the previous tech grifts, solutions without problems. No one actually have a use for a fancy chatbot. And when they do and get a nice chatbot going, they won’t call it AI, because AI is associated with grifts and no one wants that perception problem. But when you actually make a product that solves a problem, you sell that product, you stop selling AI. Also AI is way larger than the current stream of LLMs.

  • Except that’s exactly how it works. Cloudflare keeps a record and rating of all IPs in the world. This rating determines the speed of response from the server and the number of security checks before traffic is let through to the protected server that is being queried. This rating is based on over 40 different surveyors that track and monitor spam mail sources, botnets, ISPs and data centers, and can flag IPs as bad actors. These records are available online.

    My ISP rotates IP addresses to clients every so often and after router restarts. One particular block is locked and throttled to hell. Sometimes, certain webpages stop working altogether for me, as if traffic is blocked. Or response speeds get excruciatingly slow. Every time it is because I have been given an IP in that exact IP block, tracing the hops shows that cloud flare servers are the bottleneck. Checking it on IP trust records confirms they are flagged as bad actors. It’s not my ISP nor their infrastructure, as using a VPN instantaneously restores high speeds and response times, and magically a cloud flare page shows up to check for a human.

    I have also checked directly with my ISP and they confirm that there’s absolutely nothing wrong on their end, it is cloudflare servers blocking the traffic to some webpages, nothing they can do about it. They have contacted them and they refuse to provide answers as we are in a country sanctioned by the US, so international commercial relations are hindered with bureaucracy.

    The worst part is that I can sort of bypass these problems with a VPN, but non cloudflare VPNs are also throttled and trigger anti bot checks every single time. So there’s no win for me. My ISP’s solution is to keep rotating IPs at random hoping clients spent the least amount of time affected by these issues.

  • My day is regularly ruined by cloud flare, and I don’t run a bot net. Because instead of doing their job they decided to declare my entire regional IP block a spam source. Now, no doubt there might have been one bad actor who used one IP in this IP block once. The entire block is for residential IPs though. But we all have to suffer degraded service because cloud flare can’t be bothered, and as a private user of the internet, I have no resource or place to complain. Not even my ISP has recourse because cloud flare answer is “we don’t care about your clients”.

  • If the Xanax is helping that much, you might have to start considering that maybe your sleep issues are anxiety, or other mental health problem, related. Try to enlist the help of professionally trained psychologist. Sometimes lay therapists could help, but the pros can diagnose and team with psychiatrists to prescribe medication. However, depending on the severity of the issue, you might not even need meds. Cognitive behavioral therapy is usually extremely effective at dealing with anxiety, PTSD and related issues that can cause sleep deprivation. Mental health is complex and reaching for drugs out of desperation can go really really bad really fast, making thing worse in the long term despite a brief short term relief.