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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not. The Hungarian government is a dictatorship though that controls the media and thus the narrative. It has an aging population glued to the radio and television.

    The language barrier is the biggest hurdle to overcome. Magyar is so unlike any other language in Europe, many never made the effort to learn another, where it’s not just different words that they would have to learn, but entirely different syntax, grammar and intonation as well.

    Budapest is like a beacon of enlightenment within a country of darkness. They just need to launch a bunch of rpgs from the top of Gellért Hill towards the Parliament when it’s in session. They can always rebuild it again later.

  • You are wrong and short-sighted, and I will tell you why:

    1. income disparity between rich and regular folks: if you look at graphs from studies on wealth inequality, it will show you how the rich get richer, while the poor get (especially relative to their cost of living) poorer. And by poor I mean the average folk.
    2. Immigrants have always been there: both the US and Canada have been built on the backs of immigrants, and are also kept afloat by them. Should we slow down a bit? Perhaps. Should we focus more on the regular folks that already live there? Definitely. But immigration and better social services for those already there are not mutually exclusive. Assuming there are funds for it
    3. The rich are lobbying the governments to do their bidding: The few hold all the power again, just like in feudalism. And they don’t want to give that up at any cost. This creates a perpetual cycle where they make money to gain power to make more money to gain more power to make… you get the ghist.
    4. The rich has a lower burden in taxes: A regular folk will get taxed on their income and purchases for a cumulative burden of around 45%. However someone rich will live off of their wealth creating more wealth instead, while foregoing income and thus income tax. Additionally when it comes to cost of living, even if a rich person would pay equal percentage in taxes to a regular folk, that 45% in cumulative taxes will leave the regular folk with say $5.5k to budget for everything on a 10k/mo salary, while a rich individual will have $55k to budget on a 100k/mo salary.
    5. Immigrants are not taking anyone’s job: In reality new immigrants work all the shitty jobs that no one else wants to or can take anyway. They are either low wage service workers or gig workers, or are actual skilled worker immigrants that are in high demand. Either way they are likely exploited in the low wage position or as the new hire.

    Let me know if I should continue. Or maybe someone else will chime in.