• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s not as easy to defeat as just changing the pixel…

    CSAM detection often uses existing features for image matching such as PhotoDNA by Microsoft. Similarly both Facebook and Google also have image matching algorithms and software that is used for CSAM detection which.

    These are all hash based image matching tools used for broad feature sets such as reverse image search in bing, and are not defeated by simply changing a pixel. Or even redrawing parts of the whole image itself.

    You’re not just throwing an md5 or an sha at an images binary. It’s much more nuanced and complex than that, otherwise hash based image matching would be essentially useless for anything of consequence.

  • Yeah, I thought it sounded unhinged. But I’m desperate, and don’t want to put myself at risk of a preventable death.

    I’ve spent the greater part of my life as a shut in largely because I’m a sniffling, coughing, sneezing mess all day and night every day for 6-8 months of the year. And simply a sniffly mess for the rest.

    I had one good summer last year and I can’t believe what I’m missing. Being able to do activities like hiking, or biking, going to the grocery store without being treated like I have the plague. Actually being able to go out to a restaurant or public places. Making friends, and actually being able to join them. Going to the movies…etc Not having to carry a whole-ass box a Kleenex with me everywhere I go.

    It made me into a desperate man, realizing how much life I’m missing.

    The comments here are fantastic, and incredibly helpful.

  • How does it incentivize it?

    The problem with energy storage isn’t a lack of incentives, it’s a lack of solutions. There are currently no proven, grid scale, economical, and robust energy storage solutions.

    There are lots of storage solutions that work within limited geographical areas (ie. Pumped hydro). But past that it’s a crap shoot.

    Batteries are absolutely nowhere near the capacity or longevity needed for grid scale storage.

    The largest battery storage system in the world is primarily used for grid leveling and emergency power. And would be depleted in minutes under its maximum load.

  • Good to see that Lemmy is becoming as toxic A wasteland as Reddit ever was.

    • Armchairing ✅
    • Personal attacks instead of attacking the arguments ✅
    • Silent downvotes instead of actual discussion ✅
    • Misrepresenting an anecdote ✅

    All I did was provide an anecdote to show how easy it is to lose a round of ammunition. No one is strictly inventorying their .22 ammunition, it literally comes in boxes of loose rounds. Holes in the corners easily cause some to be misplaced during transportation. It’s not common but it happens, and when it does you’re not going to know, because, again, no one is inventorying their loose rounds.

    Despite me calling out the armchair opinion, you decide that doubling down on the armchairness was more appropriate, and used an anecdote as a way to personally attack me, instead of my argument.

    You made no attempt to actually address the point I was making, and instead took the easy route which is just personal attacks…

    You can do better than that.

  • Yeah, ofc it is.

    I’m working in a system that generates 750 MILLION non-debug log messages a day (And this isn’t even as many as others).

    Good luck grepping that, or making heads or tails of what you need.

    We put a lot of work into making the process of digging through logs easier. The absolute minimum we can do it dump it into elastic so it’s available in Kibana.

    Similarly, in a K8 env you need to get logs off of your pods, ASAP, because pods are transient, disposable. There is no guarantee that a particular pod will live long enough to have introspectable logs on that particular instance (of course there is some log aggregation available in your environment that you could grep. But they actually usefulness of it is questionable especially if you don’t know what you need to grep for).

    These are dozens, hundreds, more problems that crop up as you scale the number of systems and people working on those systems.

  • You just completely switch the argument with a red herring.

    It doesn’t matter whether that person is a safe gun owner or not here. And a lost round of ammunition is such an armchair take it makes me question if you should even have an opinion on the subject…

    A round of ammunition in your bag should not equate to years of prison, end of story.

    I had a box of .22 rounds in my backpack that I was bringing back from the gun store. Lo and behold it was loose, and some had unknowingly fell into my bag. I didn’t notice they were there for years until I did a deep clean of my backpack. No one counts throw-away ammunition.