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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I understand, but my point is why people are being so judgmental and prejudice about it? Maybe that’s her actual working laptop, I’ve seen companies indulging their best workers with stuff like that.

    Even if it’s an odd choice to bring to court, it’s still just a laptop, it’s not like she decided to go to court in bermudas.

  • Well do you know if that lady bought it only for use in court?

    Jesus, people drawing conclusions from a still image. It could have been a gift? Maybe it’s not even her laptop? Maybe she has so much money that she wanted it for the rgb? Maybe she does video editing as a hobbie? Maybe she uses it for traveling for gaming and work, because NOONE brings one laptop for gaming and one for work when travelling.

    Tell me more about what she does after work is over, you seem to know…