• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • I have heard from friends that they got banned for using adblockers on free Spotify. I used a tool, forgot what it’s called, for the brief time I had Spotify Premium where you could give it access to your account via the API and it’d search music piracy websites to download all the songs and albums in your library. After I had downloaded my library I cancelled my subscription. So that was entirely within Spotify’s ToS. (Music piracy is still illegal, but the violation didn’t happen against Spotify.) I suppose if you wanted to do this then doing something like that, where you just look the song up on music piracy sites and don’t actually download from Spotify directly, would be less likely to get your account banned. You still need Premium to access the API, but you could just scrape the webpage if you want.

  • GIMP is the best you’re gonna get unfortunately.

    If you just want something that’s free as in price, honestly the best thing (in terms of functionality only) is pirated photoshop natively on windows. I’ve found PS is kinda crap on Wine.

    Photopea is proprietary so at that point you may as well just pirate photoshop, at least then you’re getting the real thing.

  • I don’t “refuse” to pirate anything. If I buy something I see it basically as a donation, that I like what the creator does and want to support them. I tend to buy indie games for that reason; I wouldn’t buy a AAA game because obviously they don’t need the money. Oh, and I buy books if I know the author is actually a good writer, ie if I’ve read something by them before and I want to support their writing. Also seconding what people are saying about FOSS; I’ve donated a lot more to FOSS projects than I’ve paid for proprietary software.

  • That’s a shame about musl, musl sounds cool.

    I wonder if you have thoughts on Artix? I’m going to do an Artix install soon, I like the sound of it as it’s systemd-free (you can use runit with it like Void) but still lets you use the AUR. If not for that I think I’d go with Void instead though, I hear fewer people complaining about things not working with Void so it sounds to me like Void might be more stable than Artix.