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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • My one true MMO addiction in my younger days was City of Heroes, where I was an Empathy Defender (healer/buffer). I played pure support and never attacked enemies at all, because my attacks weren’t strong enough to be impactful, and enemies would aggro me and kill me off in 1 hit.

    When people asked why I didn’t contribute to damage, I explained that staying alive and helping the other 7 people on my team to do 20% more damage and stay in the fight was a much bigger contribution than adding another percent or 2 to damage before I got 1-shot and the team wiped.

  • A lot of people don’t consider the future even when writing helpful posts. I’m as guilty as anyone.

    If you link the correct answer, the person finding your post in 6 years better hope the link is still good. That’s the legitimate reason scholarly papers needs to cite specific book editions and journal page numbers instead of using hyperlinks in a bibliography.

    If a copy of the book or journal can ba tracked down, the citation will still work.

    It’s also why online-only published journals are still often formatted like a book with static pages instead of websites. If you find a journal article that’s important, you’ll likely still be able to find an achived copy in PDF somewhere even if the journal stops publishing or they change domains or whatever.

  • The biggest changes have been the social acceptance of homosexuality.

    Looking at the question of people’s perception on homosexual relationships in the GSS between 1973 and 2022, the percentage of Americana who view homosexual relationships as being “Not wrong at all” went from 10% to 61%. And for the first 20 years of that period, it pretty much stayed around 10%.

    The question of homosexual sex itself has only been included 5 times on the GSS. The earliest in 1991 and the most-recent in 2018. In 1991 is was 11% and in 2018 was 55%.

    In 1973, 1/3rd of people believed a gay person shouldn’t even be allowed to speak in public.

    The somewhat scarier number is reagrdining homosexual books in public libraries, simply because there’s a slight uptick in banning them between 2020 and 2022, and while more-recent GSS numbers aren’t out, we have been seeing lots of book-bans in the news…

    Other fun stuff from the GSS:

    40% of white reponsants were in favor of a law banning interracial marriage in the 70s, and - more interestingly - up until they stopped asking the question in 2002 more democrats supported laws prohibiting interracial marriage than Republicans.

    Support for abortion “for any reason” didn’t cross the 50% threshold until the Trump Presidency, and it’s pretty much entirely a trend on the Democratic side. The Dem and Rep voters weren’t that far apart until very recently.

  • I think a lot of people don’t understand the implications of saying it’s genocide out loud.

    Since 1988 (when the US officially joined the Convention on Genocide), if the US officially says genocide is occurring, it’s supposed to directly intervene. Several states are immune from the convention, including the US, but not Israel.

    It puts the US in a delicate position. Cutting off all support to such a major ally basically requires saying they’re committing genocide, which commits us to war.

    There’s a lot of people that are opposed to what’s happening in Gaza, but don’t want to get in a shooting war with Israel over it.