When I drop the mic, it leaves a crater.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You’d have to self-host anything you want to have up “forever”, and that hosting would have to continue after your death by whatever means you set up. In reality what you’d want to do if you want to preserve your digital life is create physical back-ups of it so that family or friends can revisit it after you are gone. If everything is up on the web, and that’s it, then it will all be deleted as soon as the money stops coming in to whomever is hosting it.

    The same goes for your email, though to a lesser extent. If you have a gmail account, I believe there was a kerfuffle about them deleting untouched accounts a few years ago, and I don’t know if they ever did or not, but your account with whomever you use will persist until such time as they deem it not to.

  • Really it should operate the same way that voting in France does. If I move to France and live there for 10 years, do I get to vote in elections? Do New Caledonians? I honestly don’t know 100%, but it looks like you have to live in France for 5 years and then apply for citizenship in order to vote (or be born in France, or marry someone who is a citizen, etc.) So, it seems like they should apply the same rules to New Caledonia. If New Caledonia doesn’t want you as a citizen, then you don’t get to vote. Living in another country for 10 years and suddenly being granted the opportunity to change national politics seems like an easy way for an Oligarchy to get started. A bunch of rich people buy apartments on the island, and boom, 10 years later they control the politics of the island. Again, I don’t truly know the ins and outs of the system, and I could be completely wrong, so if there is something I’m missing, please, let me know.

    Edit: or just downvote without explanation. You know, whatever works.

  • Hmmm. Well, that does change things, doesn’t it. I hadn’t thought about it from the opposite perspective, or even dreamed about the ramifications of what could happen if mind altering substances were in the mix. Fuck. Now I really have to think about it.

    Yep. 30 months. Keep your shit together or face the consequences. If you can’t be trusted to not get handsy when you are on the sauce, then it is your responsibility to stay away from the gutrot, not society’s responsibility to condone your actions.

  • Whew. You sure you want to argue that child molester punishments should set the bar on sexual assault criminal punishment? Cause I’d be OK with stringing up pedophiles by their ball sacks and letting fire ants eat them from the asshole out. But I digress.

    What you are saying is that if you were out at a bar, and someone, anyone really, but lets say for the sake of argument it’s Harvey Weinstein, came up and kissed your partner on the mouth without their consent, a month is fine? What if he kissed your daughter? Just grabbed either of them by the ears and planted a slobbery mouthful of sexual assault on them. A month is good? He could walk free? How do you think your partner would feel? How about your daughter? What if it was televised? What if it became their life for the next year in a very public court case? A month? Just let me know when you are out and about with someone you care about. I’ve got a few weeks of vacation saved up, I can take the hit and spend some time in the clink.