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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • How do you know what’s it supposed to do, if no one actually wrote that down, other than

    As a person.
    I would like it to work
    So i can do the things.

    To be fair, at least that’s something…

    Or maybe for testing the documentation is the code. The code does this, write a test that accepts it does this.

    I like the concept of describing things in scenarios and having data objects embedded in the scenarios. I think gherkin if a bit too restrictive, the same way user stories are, but a more natural verbose scenario that was parameterised with variables tied to actual data makes it explicit what is supposed to happen and what data the system will consume, create or manipulate.

    E: there is of course other types of documentation available

  • Semitic is race. Judaism is a religion. Religion is a cultural phenomenon. Zionism is intrinsically linked to the religion and historically has been an incredibly fanatic cult very willing to do anything to reach their final goals. I think hatred of this is far removed from any kind of racism.

    E: and the conflation of Zionism with Judaism is something I see consistently coming from zionists, so it being being deemed a trait of anti Semitism doesn’t make sense to me for several reasons. I’m an atheist though so generally have no respect for fairytales that send people psychotic…

  • It’s not really suddenly. They’ve been trying to help Russia from the beginning. The attack by Hamas on Israel was very fortunate for Russia, since the republicans have been able to conflate the two so now the funding is stuck in limbo, funding Israel doesn’t need for their genocide as it happens. Completely coincidentally Iran, who likely helped get arms to Hama’s is a great friend of Russia. Israel being strangely myopic about that attack when they normally have eyes on everything is also very fortunate for Russia. It seems too elaborate for Russia to have orchestrated this in any way, but Putin has proven to be a conniving cunt in the past.