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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yeah, but foraging for wild mushrooms is something y’all are taught from a very young age. You’re taught what kinds are safe to eat, and what ones to absolutely avoid. I highly doubt anyone with a scientific background would just randomly eat mushrooms without positive identifications.

    Given that this is Russia, he probably refused to stand near any windows and had an affinity for wild mushrooms so someone took advantage of the situation lol

  • What most people outside China don’t understand is that real-estate has been one big scam. See, developers have been building skycrapers filled with condos. They tell the chinese people “Westerners are investing in second homes - it’s a great nest egg investment for retirement! The property values will increase over time!”

    The problem is that in the Chinese culture, people do not want to move into homes furnished by someone else. They want to customize and build the home to their own needs. As such all these condos are essentially empty - just bare walls with no trim, no paint, no furnishings, no kitchen cabinets, appliances, etc. It’s not a “home” it’s an empty canvas to build whatever you want…

    Except it turns out nobody wants to live in an empty ghost town filled with shoddy constructed skyscrapers.

    So that’s how you end up with households that own 4-5 ‘homes’ which are really just empty condos in empty skyscrapers that nobody wants. And now many people are waking up to the ruse and simply refusing to pay their mortgages on these second/third/fourth homes. Which is resulting in many major developers going bankrupt. (There have been multiple, but here’s the latest developer in china flashing warning signs - https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinese-property-developer-guangzhou-rf-faces-bankruptcy-restructure-demand-2023-07-13/ )

    You can read more here - https://www.wired.com/2016/02/kai-caemmerer-unborn-cities/

    Oh and fun side note - many venture capitalists inside America saw these developers building all these skyscrapers in China and decided to invest in these huge corporations. A fair amount of large financial institutions have bet big on these developers in China, and are going to lose their asses as these developers go bankrupt. It is already having a ripple effect on the US Stock Market as well.

  • Y’all ready for a wild ride through the most fashion-forward shifter boot experience this side of the Mississippi? Picture this: you’re sittin’ pretty in your trusty ol’ jalopy, gear-shifting like a champion, but somethin’s missin’, ain’t it? That’s right, it’s the unmistakable touch of Mother Nature herself, wrapped around your shifter like a cozy critter hug. Introducin’… wait for it… the Squirrel Shift Sack!

    Now, I reckon y’all might be thinkin’, “Why in tarnation would I want a shifter boot made from squirrel fur?” Well, lemme tell ya, it’s a revolution in automobile elegance! Just imagine cruisin’ down them dusty roads, feelin’ that squirrelly softness under your palm, like you’re holdin’ onto a piece of the wilderness right there in your rig. Ain’t nothin’ more exhilaratin’ than shiftin’ gears while a squirrel’s cheerin’ you on from beyond the grave.

    You see, folks, this ain’t just any ol’ shifter boot – it’s a statement. It says, “I’m a pioneer of panache, a trendsetter with a taste for the untamed.” And don’tcha worry ‘bout them PETA folks – these here squirrels done lived their lives to the fullest, and now they’re enhancin’ your automotive experience like never before.

    Now, I know what y’all are thinkin’: “How in blazes do I get my mitts on one of these critter-cozy shifter boots?” Fear not, my friend, ‘cause we’ve got a whole network of squirrel wranglers scourin’ the backwoods for the finest furs. We treat them squirrels with respect, givin’ ‘em the send-off they deserve, honorin’ their memory as they ride shotgun in your ride.

    So, if y’all wanna make your gear-shiftin’ game as smooth as a skunk’s backside, you better believe the Squirrel Shift Sack is the way to go. It’s quirky, it’s cozy, and it’s downright country cool. Get ready to show off your squirrel swagger and leave them other drivers in the dust, wishin’ they had a piece of that woodland wonder right in their palms. Saddle up, folks – it’s time to squirrel up your ride!

  • Just don’t subscribe. When netflix pissed me off, I unsubscribed. When Adobe moved to a subscription based platform, I forced myself to learn alternative applications (although I still have a copy of Adobe Creative Suite from 2003 which I am still using on old laptop when needed). When Microsoft started charging a subscription to use “office” apps, I switched to LibreOffice. During Covid when I wasn’t using my gym membership I cancelled it and used that $75/month savings to start building a home gym setup (it ain’t great, but its better than nothing!)

    If something is a subscription, I either find an alternative program/service, or simply don’t use it.

  • God I hate those no-contact temperature sensors - people use them on literally every surface without realizing there’s something called thermal emissivity - different surfaces reflect and radiate heat differently. A glass or metal surface will reflect heat much differently from wood or drywall surfaces.

    These cheap no-contact temp sensors usually are set to measure the heat from surfaces found in home construction - drywall, wood, painted surfaces, etc. Some of the nicer ones can have adjustable emissivity but most people never tinker with that setting.

    Now if you’re using a nice FLiR thermal camera, you absolutely need to tinker with emissivity to get a good image.

    Given the fact that the display on this temp sensor does not display the emissivity setting, I’d assume it’s fixed - and not set to accurately read the temperature of that metal surface.

  • How are you checking your credit score? Frequent hard-pulls of your actual credit score would show up on your credit report and actually lower your credit score on it’s own.

    I’ll bet you’re using a service like credit karma which pinky-promises it is properly calculating your credit score. But is it really?

    Nah their scoring model weighs different things differently. And over the past decade, I get a sense that they put more value on your open lines of credit themselves over closed credit in order to encourage people to open more credit cards (which is good business for banks, but not the customer).


    Don’t put too much faith in those services to give you an accurate credit score, and personally I wouldn’t allow them access to my personal information - that’s just another avenue of attack by a hacker if they compromise the CreditKarma mainframes and steal your info.