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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Well at least php has it, which is a JITed scripting language just like Python. Although saying php has it is wrong, it’s just a special doc tag that the linters pick up. Which is exactly what I want for Python. The only other scripting language I’m very comfortable with is typescript, which can also support @throws via jsdoc and eslint.

    So to answer your question, I don’t know if it’s common, but from my minimal sample pool it’s at least not unheard of.

    You may not know this (just guessing because you commented on the nature of scripting/interpreted languages) but static analysis of dynamic languages has come really far and is an indispensable part of any reasonably sized project written in them these days. That’s another reason why I’m so surprised and frustrated by the lack of this in Python.

  • Day 598 of asking for a way to tell which functions throw exceptions in Python so I can know when to wrap in try catch. Seems to me that every other language has this, but when I’ve asked for at least a linter that can tell me I’m calling a function that throws, the general answer has been “why would you want that?”

    How am I supposed to ask for forgiveness if it’s impossible to know that I’m doing something risky in the first place?

  • That’s a good link, the author has a bachelor’s in philosophy, so that gives it some credibility, and he is providing a nuanced summary of some philosophers’ views on individual wealth. Schopenhauer is the only one to come close to what you’re saying, and he’s famously the most depressed/depressing guy to ever have walked the earth, not that that means he should be discredited of course. As a list this in no way backs up your point about wealth on a societal level. Just because you identify with an idea that does not make it true.

    Here’s an actual research paper with statistics touching on this subject. The authors argue that local wealth coupled with large inequality may cause many people to borrow above their means, causing unhappiness.

  • TTL on all content scales extremely poorly. You touch on this but I don’t think you appreciate just hope big of a SELECT * WHERE TTL ... this would be in just a few months/years. As an alternative, every instance sync should come with a list of newly deleted users. Retrying would not need to be reimplemented. If a user who wishes to be forgotten has had their home instance go dark, there will need to be a way for them to prove ownership over the original account (signup confirmation email perhaps) so a delete can be started from a foreign instance.