• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • People aren’t rooting for Hamas as a good guy. That statement is so insanely stupid, it’s off the charts. Palestinians are an oppressed controlled people. They are forced into poverty, every aspect of their lives is controlled by Israel. Their land is constantly stolen. What do they do, they fight back. Yes there has been strife between Jews and Muslims long before Great Britain set this entire situation on fire by creating Israel from the majority of Palestine. Yes, Muslims have attacked Israel because of this happening. Israel is 100 times stronger than them. They have 1000s of times more money and resources. If a Palestinian kills one Israeli, Israel kills 100s of Palestinians in response. They destroy entire neighborhoods, they steal more land, burn their agricultural land, and cut of even more access to the outside world. Israel, being the bigger stronger party here, does not act in good faith to end this situation. Israel acts just as genocidal as you say Hamas is. I am not saying Hamas are good guys, they have done terrible reprehensible things. Hamas is trying to fight an asymmetrical war, and doing it in the worst way possible.

    The chance for peace existed years ago, but it required Israel pulling back to '67 borders, and they absolutely refused to even consider the idea.

    I don’t back any side in this. I think they both are acting reprehensibly. I want to see a cease fire. I want Bibi removed from power, no good negotiations will come with him there. I want to see a change in leadership in Hamas. Then I want to see a real attempt at honest negotiations.

  • bemenaker@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Nope. Youre making a mountain out of an ant hill. The company probably has to mark your pay info as confidential. It’s your personal info, if you want to share it you can, just like medical info. Unless it’s company policy to post everyone’s pay publicly. In that case, everyone’s pay would be posted, but if not, they can’t tell others, but you can.

  • Yeah, you totally miss what is going on here. You are not going to find a person in this thread that isn’t open to talking to people who have different beliefs than them, and engaging in sane rational discussions. That is not what this is about. The alt-right is co-opting the term “free speech” to be able to say any bigoted and hateful thing they want without having to face any repercussions for doing so. On top of that, they are also CENSORING the fuck out of any opinions they do not like. Argue with them, and get banned. It is happening everywhere right wingers are yelling “free speech”. Look at everyone Musk has blocked on Twitter