• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • have you ever had a shower in under two minutes and washed your whole body?

    Yes. My first thought was whether there may be a “best practice” way of showering efficiently and which professions may have suggestions on that (either jobs that are very time-constrained or jobs that are tight on resources?) and whether there were more effective ways of catching the water than a bucket (maybe some elaborate tarp placement? probably not feasible. the ultimate tarp placement would be one just around the body like one of the shields in star trek or star wars. maybe one of those bubble soccer balls upside down filled with water and one showerer? rolling down a hill in a plastic hamster ball full of water would be fun. also terrifying and basically dynamic waterboarding, but fun) and that was when the two minutes ended.

  • A little bit of friendly advice a very wise person gave once:

    Truthfully I think getting triggered by a stupid label on a pill bottle is kind of unnecessary. Just rip it off or write over it. Not a big deal. 100% of the people buying them are people so they put people on the label or something…big deal. Its just a vitamin for pregnant people! Its the same thing no matter what color the bottle or what gendered nonsense is written on it. Smh.

    It must suck going around choosing to be triggered by something like that. It shouldn’t be that difficult to just be secure in your own indentity and stop letting the way the world works get under your skin. So maybe instead of finding even more cumbersome paraphrases like “pregnant individuals” just to be contrarian when “people” is just as accurate and shorter, be secure in your identity. Don’t let the way the world works get under your skin.