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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • I don’t actually think that statement is true. Polls are notoriously wrong all the time, and the members of the Democratic Party requesting he drop out are doing so because they’re afraid to say otherwise. I’ll give you an example. Members of the Republican party notably were very critical of Trump until they realised that to continue in the political sphere they were going to have to get along to get along when it became clear he was the front runner.

    The members of the DNC who are asking for Biden to step down are doing so even though they know that no other possible candidate is likely to win. They did the same with Bernie Sanders in 2016. They aren’t worried that he’ll lose the popular vote. They’re worried he’ll lose Electoral College votes because some of them are apparently still on the fence. If they wanted to put forth another candidate they would have already. Who have they put forward to put on the ticket? No one. Because they don’t have anyone else either. For them it’s a no win situation and they’re scared so they’re trying to cover their own asses.

  • Nope. For one thing borrowing the key would require the apps in question to provide the same accessibility options that allow redreader to be free in the first place. For another reason, it would be pretty obvious if it wasn’t red reader because other 3rd party apps for Reddit are differently optimised and offer more features meaning more API hits meaning Reddit themselves would be able to easily tell the difference between redreader app users and other apps using the oauth key. They’d just blacklist those apps/users.

    Further this could detrimentally affect redreader, making it harder on users who need those accessibility options. Don’t ruin it for them just because Reddit is greedy. This isn’t the user’s fault.

  • The things I miss from Reddit are mostly very niche. I left and haven’t been back mostly because I refuse to use their BS app, and I refuse to see ads. I was a mobile Reddit user so I didn’t use it on the computer much.

    I do miss doing gaming giveaways of extra stuff for like animal crossing and so on. And I miss helping newbies with games (mostly retro gaming stuff). Other than that Reddit was a time sink for me and I have other places to use my time.

    I don’t get FOMO. I mostly miss interacting with other people. Talking about opinions. Finding people who agree with me about niche stuff. People don’t seem to interact as much here and I don’t think that’s because of the lack of content.

    But I don’t see the point of going back to Reddit. The experience of trawling through the muck to get to a few grains of what I want just doesn’t appeal to me. All reports I’ve seen suggest that it’s just getting worse and I was struggling with the experience before the API debacle.

  • Take your foot off the gas and let the car coast. It will slow down gradually and they will be forced to brake.

    Turn your hazard lights on.

    Flash your hazards on and off a couple of times.

    Move over and let them pass if it’s safe and viable to do so (you are in the passing lane and there is a slow lane to merge into etc).

    Don’t brake check them. It can cause you to be partially at fault in a fair number of places if there’s an accident as a result,and even if your insurance doesn’t consider an accident your fault, that doesn’t protect you in the event that the other party decides to sue.

  • atrielienz@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldWhy do people road rage?
    9 months ago

    I dunno. I lost my shit on someone just today who literally pulled into my lane (coming toward me) to skip the line to turn. Literally just pulled out in front of me from an oncoming lane and kept coming until I stopped and leaned on the horn flashing my lights. There was nowhere for me to go. This type of thing has killed people in the past. Especially in poor visibility. There was literally no reason to do what this person did and I hadn’t done anything wrong. There was no where for me to pull off to even avoid the collision if this person kept coming.

    Perhaps you’re correct about some road ragers, but generally I don’t get angry until something gets dangerous for me because someone else is being unreasonable and potentially harmful.

    Everyone thinks they’re the best driver on the road. That’s statistically proven. But generally people who drive more often or are seasoned drivers become complacent over time. Meaning almost no one is as good a driver as they think. Entitlement/ego, and distracted driving also play a big role and I’m way more likely to believe most road rage incidents are actually two egos coming to a head after both people are at fault than just one reckless driver vs someone else who wasn’t in any way in the wrong.

  • Inattention, selfishness, and an inflated belief in driving ability both of self and of other drivers.

    People don’t pay attention to the vehicles around them or what they’re doing. As a reault they often are caught off guard by the maneuvers of other vehicles and this in conjunction with the other two things I mentioned makes them angry because it adds stress to the situation.

    People believe their driving is better than it is (especially seasoned drivers). They either expect that everyone should be as good as they are at driving. Or as good as they think they are at driving. And when it turns out that this is not the case (that they are not good at driving or that others are not good at driving) this adds stress to the situation. This is ego.

    Selfishness is just that. And it happens with pretty much every driver on the road though they are loathe to admit it. The driving experience as a whole is all about them. Where they’re going. What they want. How fast.
    they want to go and in what lane. Whether they want to allow someone to merge. Whether they want to allow someone to pass. Whether they want to wait for a light or wait for someone to turn or wait in traffic etc. As a result they often do less than legal things because they feel confident in the fact that what they are doing and where they are going is important and therefore more important than other drivers on the road. They sincerely believe they are more important or that other drivers are less important and they act selfishly and with a sense of entitlement as a result. This also adds stress to the situation. However, of the three this is the main reason people become so unreasonable and angry.

    A combination of selfishness, self righteousness/ego, and distracted driving (inattention) causes people to react to perceived, imagined, or actual slights of any kind on the road with malice and anger that is undue or unreasonable given most road situations. And considering that cars are heavy machinery and can do a lot of damage and be deadly to other drivers, people often jump to conclusions about the people they share the road with, especially when they do things like merge with no signal, cut others off, speed unnecessarily, or manuever in a way that seems erratic. Driving is a high stress activity. And that magnifies and exacerbates the problems the other three things I mentioned cause.