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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • In contrast to this (only 2 years to fix the inflation issues. The inflation that has been around since 2002~). He also mentioned in his first speech that the country would take 35 years to go back as a world power if everything goes well. (Source 13:25/15:31)

    I do not think this will happen (hope I’m wrong), knowing the country’s recent history, but I don’t disagree with the time. This stuff is very long term and needs many years of success to happen.

    Many people in Argentina think that all the stuff can be fixed in just 2 or 3 years. But truth is, it can improve, but will need lot more than that to reach a “world power” / “first world country” level.

    On the other hand, the level of corruption is so high, that by just reducing it, it would make wonders.

  • I just hope that in the long term the country can finally liberate the people who are currently economically dependent on the state. So they can find their own economic path, no matter who is ruling.

    They always give you money in Argentina. For exchange of a future vote, of course. But nobody really cares about giving you a way out where you are in charge and capable of finding and getting your own work and opportunities.

    And the inflation, as always, eats the lowest class first, the one that has less opportunities to find a new job. And less capable of saving money. Remember that. The very high inflation is indirectly murdering people.

  • Milei probably has a small resemblance with DT. Maybe just a small percentage, but that is enough to call him a Full DT by the press in the rest of world. It is just cheap press.

    The guy has a lot of cons and pros. But he is not a DT. He is mainly an economist. Not a businessman.

    Argentina as always is a sinking ship with a lot of holes. Every year there are more holes. They still have not found a party that can close those holes. And there were only 3 big parties.

    Perhaps a new party (like the one from Milei) manages to start closing some of those holes. Perhaps they keep opening holes like the current party. Even if you put the best party ever made, it would take 15-30 years maybe more to recover. You have a lot of adults that never worked (legally) and live from the state. It takes time to educate the new generations letting them know that money is not always a free thing that comes without working. (And you cannot tell them “now you have to find a job” in the short term otherwise the country will go violent. Therefore no matter how far right the party is. It always end up adapting to a situation to control the masses that requires socialism).

    Time will tell about what will happen if the same party (probably was the worst government in the past 30 years) wins the election. But nowadays the country is at worst since I was born. 40% poverty (oficial, real is perhaps higher ), 100+% annual inflation (not even the old 20-30% annual). It is probable that the current government will never leave and will stay on power just like it happens in many other countries, like Venezuela. (While it is still a totally different country, we always compare to Venezuela because the current party always liked Venezuela as a role model to follow).

    I hope not! But with 40+% poverty… soon there will not be enough tax payers to cover the costs but maybe hyperinflation puts a stop to the excess of public spending (printing ARS money) to solve any problem.

  • So in that plan/summary I like many of the reforms mentioned.

    The ones I don’t like are the ones mentioned everywhere else (newspapers) regarding the abortion, potential gun law for the population, and stuff that generally is more like a contra for this new party, than a pro in my opinion. If all that stuff is actually not in the plan, then I’d be more relaxed with this new party in the government.

    But at the same time. Most governments in Argentina end up doing more or less the same. In the plan the parties look so different but in reality they end up being more alike (after 4 years).

    In the end I hope the country progresses. There is a lot of poverty, every year is getting worse. And the more poor countries in the world, the worst for all of us.

  • There is also a function called “VSYNC” that synchronizes the game FPS with the refresh rate per second. Vsync prevents tearing when the game FPS is not aligned with the refresh rate, causing stuttering in the process (unless the game is fps is above refresh rate in that case it’s ok). So, if you play with Vsync on:

    • If you have a game that can run at 60 fps almost all the time, I recommend you to run the game at default settings.
    • If you have a game that can run at 50-59 fps almost all the time, but struggles keeping 60 fps. Then I recommend you lowering the refresh rate to 50Hz. You will have a 50 FPS experience but you will avoid frequent stuttering caused by vsync.
    • if you want to play at 30 FPS to save battery life and the game can easily run 30 FPS at all times, especially on a game that barely keeps 60 fps, you don’t need to reduce refresh rate to 30Hz, you can keep refresh rate at 60Hz and cap the FPS to 30. (So the game never reaches 60 fps, causing stuttering).

    Vsync, more or less gives you a half-refresh-rate experience when your game fps sits below your refresh rate and above the half of it. (So if you cap a game at 59 fps with 60Hz, you will experience the game “like” running at very smooth 30 fps). If you cap the game at 29 fps with refresh rate at 60Hz it gives you “like” a smooth 15fps experience, but looks horrible.

    All this stuff I mentioned, doesn’t apply to displays that can handle VRR (variable refresh rate) technologies like FreeSync/G-Sync_compatible or G-Sync.