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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, I don’t support most of the crackdowns on the protests, but it’s silly to think that people are suddenly fascist for wanting state power to crack down on what they BELIEVE is antisemitism. If I believed that the protesters were doing it more out of weird racist shit than concern for Palestinians, I would want them out too. ESPECIALLY now.

    And before you say “well they should know better!” I mean sure, but not everyone has the luxury of spending tons of time analyzing every single piece of news, looking into multiple sources, reading the history of a middle east region the size of New Jersey, etc, etc. What makes it even harder is that Israel and Palestine are ultimately foreign countries, no matter how much of an alliance the U.S has with Isreal, it’s still a country in the middle East.

    Then there is the nuance, Hamas are still terrorists and Netanyahu even supported them until October 7th, Israelies were trying to actively get red of the guy until the 7th, the country was set up by the British have both sides fight and hate eachother forever, real antisemitism is rising all over the world and fascists are trying to take advantage of that and connect it to Israel-Palestine. Then Add media bias and how even video footage can be fake with AI and you have a basically completely out of control situation.

  • The rumor is a counter-protestor (pro-Isreal) started pretending to be an antisemitic pro-Palestine person and everyone there shouted him down. Again it’s just a rumor that I read. I feel like these days its getting harder and harder to really know anything, but I have a hard time imagining ACTUAL antisemites would take over a college campus protest.
    On the other hand I do acknowledge that ACTUAL antisemitism have been huge problem as they appropriate the pro-palestine movement to further antisemitism, as I have seen in wayy too many places online these days (Just to make sure I’m clear- criticizing Israel isn’t antisemitism, but saying Jews secretly control the world and every Jew is secretly pro-Israel certainly is).

  • Yes of course China covered up COVID, however I believe that this actually probably is M. Pneumoniae as it’s famous for spreading in schools amongst children as well as already resistant to many antibiotics because it has no cell wall.
    My one concern is that this could secretly be a human to human form of avian influenza, but there is absolutely no hiding a disease with a mortality rate on par with Ebola (30-50% or 18-30%- as much as Spanish Flu or the black death) for very long at all. COVID has around a 1% mortality rate and there were people posting videos of people dying in the streets on Chinese social media, if it’s avian flue than there will be mass graves on an unheard of scale.

  • There are honestly a lot of parallels between the war in Ukraine and WWI, Putin’s actions remind me a lot of the leaders of some countries in WWI who were super wrapped up in their egos to the point of wanting a “gentleman’s war”, only to end up killing and traumatizing millions. Putin assumed he could just swoop in and crush the Ukrainians, much like many leaders in WWI had such nationalistic fervor that crushing other nations would be easy, instead he is now bogged down in a horrible forever war.

    Of course it’s not all the same because the Ukrainians are clearly the victims here, but I feel like Putin is more comparable to a WWI style leader who just makes one suicidal push after the next than the Nazis who did in fact have some victories, not to mention that the Russian army does not do well against more modern military technologies.

  • That makes perfect sense. As someone who has had genuine chemical imbalances I’ve had to wrestle with, another thing that’s really interesting is that people who are obviously in the depths of delusional/paranoid hell are so afraid of the mental system that they never seek help. It’s so sad that its in the state its in, if things were a little better than maybe those people wouldn’t balk at therapy while they are in the throes of schizophernia or something.