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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • As a German, I am pissed about the way we try to get carbon neutral. Shutting off the nuclear plants before the coal plants was just plain stupid and primarily motivated by unjustified fear and that sweet sweet coal lobby money. And now our energy is still expensive af and still dirty and will be for a while.

    And don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that there’s more and more focus on renewables and that they make up a sizeable and growing percentage of our energy supply but it’s pretty clear that that’s not enough or at least not fast enough.

  • Bing is the default engine in Edge which is the default browser on Windows. There’s a huuuge demographic who doesn’t care enough to change either of those.

    Also, Bing profits from other search engines using their results as a base. DuckDuckGo, for example, uses Bing as their primary source for search results. And in my experience is better at it than google, these days.

  • The gap has been favouring bing (DuckDuckGo) for a while now in my experience. Every time I use Google or just doesn’t find what I’m looking for. Just a few days ago, when Bing was down and I had to use Google, I tried searching for the new beta nvidia Linux drivers. Google didn’t even include the official nvidia site in the first page of results. When I later searched for the same thing again, using DuckDuckGo, it was the first result… and stuff like that happens every time I need to use Google. The only category Google still seems to have a slight edge in is current (as in happening right now) events.

  • Yea, had to use google for a few searches and man was it frustrating. Like, I was looking for the new beta nvidia drivers on Linux, and google, for some reason, didn’t see it necessary to show me the official nvidia site in the first page of results. In DuckDuckGo, later that day, when it was available again, it was result N°1

  • It’s a bit more complicated than that. Here in Germany, while abortions are illegal (since fetuses are considered humans by law), it is decriminalized. It’s more about technicalities. You do have the choice though. It’s not as easy as going to an abortion clinic and half an hour later you’re done but if you got pregnant on accident (or by force) or have a medical need for abortion, there’s always a way. If it was just an accident, however, you do have to pay for the abortion yourself, unless you can’t afford it. Also, there is a mandatory counseling session.

  • To 1: With a DS or DS Lite, you need an R4 or similar flash cartridge. With a DSi or any 3DS or 2DS, all you need is a computer and a sufficiently sized SD card (depending on how many game backups you‘d want to safe on there). For softmodding a Wii or WiiU, all you‘d need is an SD card and a sufficiently large USB storage medium for the game backups, btw.

  • And still, even here in Germany, people played victim, the perpetrators just weren’t the people who “freed” us. There was (and still is to some extent) a “we didn’t know about anything about the holocaust, we’re all victims of the evil Nazis” mentality. This was, of course, most prominent in the years after the war because being a Nazi suddenly had consequences. And it’s obviously not true. While a majority of the population might not have known about death camps or the exact conditions in the camps, they certainly knew about the persecution of the jewish community.

    Of course, our history classes do now teach about that (meaning that we did know, even though we liked to pretend we didn’t).

  • I cannot speak for the US but here in Germany we have different types of mental hospitals. Broadly there are open and closed asylums.

    Closed ones are for people who are an immediate danger to themselves and/or others and open ones for people who just need therapy and a bit of supervision.

    In open psychiatries you’re also allowed to keep your phone and get visitors (and sometimes even go home on weekends) while in closed ones, depending if your acute or not, you might have the privilege of free movement within the station or you might be confined to your room unless under direct supervision.