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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2023

  • But this, in fact, is what actual war looks like these days: Sometimes it’s a volley of 300 missiles and drones, and sometimes it is lean, targeted, and carried out covertly. Gone are the days of vast conquering armies and conventional military confrontations between two parties.

    So, like what’s happening in Ukraine right now?

    I mean they use drones for some deep strikes causing minor damage but most of the actual advancement is made using artillery and boots on the ground.

  • I think the biggest problem with the US system is the FPTP thing, the winner takes all.

    This always leads to two parties that become pure enemies because of the zero-sum game that ensues. A loss for one is a win for the other, there is no incentive to collaborate.

    Our coalition system is not perfect because it often causes very uncomfortable coalitions of parties not well suited. But at least it doesn’t feel like a stalemate.

  • I’m still surprised people in the US actually vote only for people so old they can’t reasonably do the job properly. I mean what’s up with that?

    I guess the cynic in me thinks only people that old have a lifetime of being beholden to the powers behind the curtain to have their trust to receive big campaign funding. But that doesn’t explain Trump. He was never really ‘favoured’ by the establishment as far as I gather. Not that I think he was a good president of course, don’t get me wrong!

  • Of course Gaza is not Biden’s fault, absolutely not. I’m not saying that. And I’m very much a ‘leftie’ (much more left than the democrats are in the US in fact, I would be more like Bernie).

    However he could certainly be a bit less unwavering in his support for Netanyahu who is really committing atrocities. If I could vote in the US I would still vote for him, but with a heavy heart. I’m sure he’s not happy with what is happening in Gaza but I would prefer a president who would not be afraid to speak up. And I’m really starting to worry about his mental state as I mentioned.

    I have no ideas either, sadly… But it would be so nice if someone fresh would actually get a chance.

    What you could do of course is vote for someone else in the primaries. After all, it will still be a democrat, it won’t affect the outcome of the presidential election and at least your voice of dissent is counted somewhere. If a lot of people do this, maybe some bells will ring at the DNC.

  • Good that this comes to light, though I’m sure the conspiracy theorists will never be convinced. But it’s good to take away lies from the equation.

    I do think Biden is the wrong candidate to run for president though. He seems more and more erratic, confusing Mitterand with Macron and Kohl with Merkel (uhm… Not even the same gender!). And his unwavering support for Netanyahu…

    I’m really worried about this because obviously Trump is worse. I’m not American so obviously I have no say in this but I worry about this for the effects on the whole world in terms of geopolitical stability, climate etc. But having “Not Trump” as your only selling point is not a good bet IMO. Is America really not ready for a candidate that’s a bit younger and actually able to step up to the plate?

  • Meanwhile, Biden’s unconditional aid for Israel’s genocide is alienting Arab Americans, who have a lot of voting power in some key states

    Hmm good point yes.

    as well as a large (though I can’t say exactly how large) portion of young, Black, and Latin American voters who can see the obvious racism at play.

    Yeah I was reading this article about how Trump is super loved by Cubans in Florida. I could hardly imagine it, his whole 2017 campaign was based on keeping the latino’s out with his big-ass fence!! But they love his conservatism. Even though he’s not actually conservative, he just does whatever he wants.

    Then again, maybe pushing the abortion rights thing will make enough of a difference to counteract this

    It’s also such a hot topic with conservatives that it will really make them go vote, whereas it’s something most democrats don’t really care about as much (until they actually need one).

  • It’s a good point. Biden’s unconditional support for Netanyahu is not helping him at all (even though he seems to be trying to mediate in the background, he’s not very successful and the optics are really bad).

    But the question is, who else would be a candidate with enough support? He’s counting on the incumbent bonus now but I also doubt it’s good enough, if “not Trump” is the main thing he has going for him. I don’t know US politics well enough to know about any alternatives. Buttigieg maybe?

    But another Trump reign would be bad for the whole world order and climate so I really hope that won’t happen.

    I think a Bernie win would be amazing but I doubt he has enough hardliner support even on the Democratic side.

  • Actually he’s a deeply terrible person. Even outside of swallowing up and destroying competition and pushing monopolistic business practices, he was a tyrant to work for, treated everyone around him like shit, sexually harassed multiple women, and has ties to Jeffrey Epstein…

    Wow. I had no idea. I’m sure you’re right, I don’t really follow US media very well. I just remember seeing him give a cool gift during secret santa on reddit and thinking “Huh this guy actually turned out okay”.

    Some of them might talk the “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” talk, but that’s becoming more and more rare. People like Marc Andreesen, Peter Thiel, Musk, Bezos, Zuck, et al are deeply terrifying, and are openly espousing racist and eugencist beliefs.

    Hmm ok, I thought it was more liberal there. Especially because I’ve heard it’s a good and inclusive workplace etc. But like I said, I’m not very aware of the US so I stand corrected. Thank you.

  • As someone up the thread pointed out, there’s no such thing as a liberal billionaire

    I don’t know about that. Bill Gates is pretty decent these days. In fact he probably always was a decent human being, but his poor business practices overshadowed that in the past. Tim Cook seems a pretty decent person too and just him coming out did a lot for the LGBT community. I think most Silicon Valley CEOs are pretty progressive in fact (Musk excluded obviously)

    They’re pretty right-wing economically due to being CEOs (and billionaires) but fairly left-wing socially.