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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Yeah. That’s their intent. But they really don’t know for sure that their stunt won’t have some completely unexpected effect. Some slow reaction with that specific kind of stone that only matters if the powder gets deep into some cracks for 200 years or whatever. Or attracts stone eating bacteria of some sort.

    The point is that they dont know what they dont know. Every time they pull one of these stunts, they are introducing the risk of irrevocable damage to historically significant objects that should be left to future generations.

    Stop fucking around with human history. Stone Henge is a world wonder.

  • There was a branch in this thread where someone else made the accusation. But fine, I retract the statement. It wasn’t your words, so no point bringing it up.

    I find the request for impossible evidence to be absurd. Since the US did not take the measures you proposed 2 months ago, there is no evidence to present for either of our sides.

    I point to Netanyahu’s recent and past decisions and complete unwillingness to make concessions, as well as how this conflict has been beneficial to his standing.

    But obviously, we can’t know for sure what would have happened. But Isreal has never been known to be easily forced, or even compromise to anything not vastly in their favor.

  • Why “most likely?” Based on what evidence?

    See: the entire history of Isreal, and the middle east as a whole.

    And if you feel that you need to aid another nation to continue slaughtering children to save your own, maybe you don’t have much worth saving.

    Geo-politics are complicated, and more complicated when your own country is currently fighting a fascist movement.

    You dismiss the very notion that all but declaring war on Isreal could possibly have negative effects on the Dems political standing. And let’s not mince words. Declaring no fly zones, DMZs and enacting sanctions, as you literally explicitly suggested, is one step away from declaring war.

    And yet I’ve been accused of arguing in bad faith. Right.

  • They could have spent that two months pressuring Israel to open aid corridors for trucking.

    And most likely have nothing to show for it. At least the dock has already achieved getting millions of pounds of aid into Gaza, and hopefully many more millions before it breaks again.

    And I’m sorry, “we have to aid Israel in its genocide to stop the Republicans from winning” is a bullshit excuse.

    Maybe to you, but it’s a real risk. Not everyone lives in this progressive bubble of yours. I have zero confidence in the voting public, and I have far less confidence that the Republicans won’t actively encourage genocide in Gaza and beyond given the president and a majority in the other branches.

  • My point is that stopping aid to Isreal won’t put food in Palestinian bellies any time soon. And when they’re starving right now, it’s a useless gesture.

    Actually doing what CAN be done right now, which is bypassing land chokepoints by building a non-perfect dock to offload millions of lbs of food, is the best solution I’ve heard of thus far, to actually stave off the immediate problem of starvation.

    I’m not saying I approve of continuing to send military aid to Isreal. We can attack this from multiple fronts, but getting food and medical aid into Gaza is the most urgent need. And I don’t find your efforts to undermine the most effective, if flawed, means of getting those supplies into Gaza to be helping the Palestinian’s plight in the slightest.

  • Modular military engineering materials are both obscenely expensive, and temporary. They are meant as a bandaid to quickly solve transportation problems to enable logistics.

    Also, being modular, they can be replaced easily and quickly.

    If you want a hardy lifetime dock, you’re going to need months to years under ideal circumstances. And then Isreal could “accidentally” blow it up with a “rogue” strike, and there would be no option but to scrap the whole thing. Because most permanent docks aren’t meant to handle military strikes.

    But yeah, let’s just ignore that the building constraints around this are just about the worst case imaginable. Let’s just keep whining about how a solution isn’t perfect and therefore worthless like all the other Leftist comments on Lemmy