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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • The eagle as a symbol predates the nazis - a lot. The „Reichsadler“ has been used since 800 A.D. as in the region that is now Germany:

    The Reichsadler, i. e. the German Imperial Eagle, originated from a proto-heraldic emblem that was believed to have been used by Charlemagne, the first Frankish ruler whom the Pope crowned as Holy Roman Emperor in AD 800, and derived ultimately from the Aquila, i. e. eagle standard, of the ancient Roman army.

    Edit: of course the Nazis twisted this as well. To decide, if the eagle has to go, we need more details:

    During Nazi rule, a stylised eagle combined with the Nazi swastika was made the national emblem (Hoheitszeichen) by order of Adolf Hitler in 1935.

    Despite its medieval origin, the term “Reichsadler” in common English understanding is mostly associated with this specific Nazi-era version. The Nazi Party had used a very similar symbol for itself, called the Parteiadler (“Party’s eagle”). These two insignia can be distinguished as the Reichsadler looks to its right shoulder whereas the Parteiadler looks to its left shoulder.


  • My

    1. The Finnish author Tove Marika Jansson (1914 - 2001) invented this name for her stories about the Mumin troll (Moomin Trolls). Lilla My (Little My) lives with the Mumin family. She is so small that she can sit in the family’s milk jug. My gives expression to a most destructive turn of mind. She is totally disrespectful and can be very aggressive but has nevertheless an extremely positive attitude to life. Sometimes, she may even demonstrate a kind of careless friendliness - when it suits her.
    2. My is also the name of the 12th letter in the Greek alphabeth.
    3. Creative Spelling of Mi (see Mia)

    See: https://www.nordicnames.de/namefinder/

  • I guess you already know how to sail/boat habe paper charts on board and just want a convenient way to get updated digital maps.

    You could try https://map.openseamap.org/ but it will be limited regarding the information you get.

    I tried pirating the training maps for the „Sportbootführerschein See“ (German drivers license for boats in German waters) and had no luck.

    I would not bother pirating this for two reasons:

    1. The only valid maps (for German waters) are made by the „Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie“ and all maps are a licensed copy. They put a lot of work into maintaining and updating those maps and one way to maintain the infrastructure for safely traveling is paying for it.
    2. Your life could depend on an accurate map. The official maps I found were updated every 10 days. Would you risk it for a couple of €?