Happy hatching day!
Happy hatching day!
Andrew. Its late in Romania. Get some rest.
The worst part is they are usually cleared on some sort of bullshit technicality: “Oh, you didn’t dot your I’s in your rape report, so your statement isn’t valid”.
There are good male role models. It’s just that they are much, much harder to make money off.
Which bloody sucks.
Accusations from multiple sources that are credible enough for action to be taken.
Tater top drank from his own kool-aid and thought by moving to Eastern Europe, he could get away with this.
Is being a minority bad?
The governor of Texas is “Chuck U Farley”.
I want my scalps. And all y’all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis.
Yeah it’s pretty sad what is happening to the population of Inuit and First Nation Indians in Canada.
Forced assimilation and discrimination have really shrunk Canada’s truly native population.
All those African colonies that France ruled for centuries; immigrants from those countries should be denied, just because they are Black immigrants?
People’s Front!
For now…
Hook me up with your dealer, as it seems they have some pretty potent stuff.