Vodulas [they/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Friend, you made the appeal to authority when you said

    TL;DR as far as I can tell its main theses are “please don’t listen to expert analysis of the economy”

    I was just pointing out that this person is of equal authority.

    I don’t really care to argue with you as there is no real point. You’re either in way too deep to be convinced or you are astroturfing for the DNC or some other political org. I think it is just the former, but the more times I see your comments saying a lot of the same things and vehemently defending Biden, I am beginning to wonder.

    Oh, and I read your other comment, but I always doubt someone’s intent when they are asking folks to go outside beehaw for a comment. Often times that is to lure folks somewhere with fewer rules. Again, I don’t think that is what you are trying to do, but also again I have seen you do it a couple times which gives me a kernal of doubt.

    Anyhow, have a good evening.

  • I don’t know how many times I can say I understand what you are saying, but it is not the case in my area. Most groceries are up, at least in my city. Overall grocery bills are still very high, even accounting for buying cheaper alternatives. Combine that with ever climbing rent and it is not nearly as rosey as the article claims. Again, I am not saying things aren’t slowly coming down, just that it is not as good as the article claims.