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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I presume, like everything else wrong with Capitalism, it comes down to cost. It’s more cost efficient somehow. I don’t understand the details, because I’m not a chicken farmer, but I have been in the capitalism machine for a long, long time, and I’d bet a shitton of tax payer money that it’s purely down to cost.

    If it saves $0.02 per chicken, they’ll gladly poison the rivers, oceans, lakes, etc. with refuse and baby chick corpses.

  • Your link didn’t work. I can’t even register on kbin because the captcha doesn’t work in FF. Maybe you could SS it and post here or something.

    I do not have the context you’re implying I should have read to hear the side you’re arguing for.

    I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt and read it if you’ve got something that might change my views. I’m not trying to be ignorant or illogical.

    I’m sure there are legitimate criticisms of the law as it was written, but that’s true of most laws. We never get them right, especially out of the gate, but at least the attempt is being made.

    My issues are with the “clout” those 3 billionaires have and how they’re influencing their followers to believe in dangerous and hateful logic that hurts trans people at the end of the day while they sit in their ivory towers, safe from all the problems they’re causing for us little people.

  • I’m sorry. The hate train? The hate train???

    Are you trying to use a mirroring technique to try and manipulate me or other readers with some cheap psychological trick, or did you just sort of stumble into those words like you stumbled into this thread?

    The purpose of the law is to protect people who are actually receiving hate trains. Like the kind that fucking kill them. Every fucking day.

    Remind me again how many self absorbed narcissistic Billionaires die a day due to hate trains?

    What’s that fucking number again?


    Yeah. That’s what I thought.

    Fuck off with your nonsense cheap psych101 shit trying to make, literally the most powerful people in the world, into victims, while the real victims: trans people, are actually getting murdered, and beaten, and raped, and tortured.

    But, fuck do go on. Really.

    Tell me how much these billionaires are suffering because they can’t turn their massive insecurities into dog whistling hate speech that ends with innocent people dying.

    I’d hate to upset their mamosa mornings on their private fucking yatch you absolute waste of space in a human skin.

    Get the fuck on the right side of history and stop sucking the dicks of the oligarchs that have never, and will never give a shit about you or anything you care about.

  • No. You don’t get to make that weak bad faith argument that keeps getting used here by the intolerant.

    Additionally, I said no such thing that you straw manned my argument with, which tells me everything I need to know about your motivations.

    You do not get to use our system of tolerance against us.

    There are limits to tolerance. There must be, or else fascism will always creep in. Whether or not you yourself are a fascist, you are using one of the oldest arguments of fascism to undermine a functioning society.

    You know what we call someone sitting at a table full of fascists?

    A fascist.