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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • it’s not a rant. it’s my experience of this site on a daily basis. mostly because i don’t agree with leftist dogma like ACAB and I acknowledge the world is complex rather than simple and anarchsim won’t save it and turn it into Shangri-La. I also don’t think Linux is superior and all Windows/Mac users are pathetic for wanting to use command-line. And I work in tech.

    but please tell me more how horrible and clearly all me, not the environment here. plenty of other comments in this thread share that same story of being attacked and harassed for not agreeing with the dogmatism that dominate most lemmy threads.

    But let me be pedantic in the spirit of lemmy… I didn’t start anything off. I am only replying and sharing my experience. you’re the one interpreting my experience as an attack on people, which seems to be to be a manipulative tactic that amounts to victim blaming. maybe if i wore a skirt that covered my knees lemmy people wouldn’t assault me, right? maybe if i just agreed that ACAB, linux is the best ever, and anyone who is LGBT+ is a divine angelic being who can do no wrong, lemmy would be nice to me, right?

  • yeah and? I’m not those governments or those people. it has nothing to do with me. and I’m sick of people on lemmy calling me a bigot for thinking lgbt+ are normal people, and not angelic saints that can do no wrong and if I get rear ended by a lgbt+ person I should pay for the damages because clearly I’m at fault for some shitty southern state’s policies. Even though I don’t live in that state and I live in one of the most pro lgbt+ states in the country/world.

    lots of folks are oppressed. i was oppressed and beaten by my father because he thought i was gay… where is my lgbt+ oppression badge? oh right… anytime I tell anyone that fact… they tell me to STFU because clearly I’m lying and I’m trying to ‘steal their oppression’ or something… usually by some lgbt+ person who has led a luxurious and privileged life… and whose oppression is mostly that they aren’t rich and famous and clearly I should give them my money to that end…