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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • one of the achievements of lemmy might be as a nice platform for simply running a forum for whatever community you want all without needing to worry about federation.

    I’m interested in this question for the inverse reason: being able to run a federated community on a Lemmy server which is not open-invite

    People in the Lemmyverse would be able to use the community as normal, but running the community on its own server would not involve opening the door to registration by randos on that server.

  • I have a background (in the distant past) as a PHP dev, and currently make my income doing mostly Wordpress work.

    For a very long time I took a jaundiced eye towards big PHP apps for the exact same reasons. That being said, I just two days ago finally installed Nextcloud in my homelab and exposed it to the world.

    It’s worth noting that a lot of PHP’s bad rep comes from Wordpress, which is terrible in security terms in large part due to a huge and very poorly vetted ecosystem of plugins written by coders of all skill levels.

    PHP itself had a number of anti-features which made security difficult in the past. A lot of those issues have been worked on. As somebody who was up to my eyeballs in PHP for years during the bad old days, I’m now confident installing big PHP apps if I think the dev team and dev process are reasonably mature.

  • holy crap, that was … … … … 25 years ago???

    I don’t honestly remember the very first, if I had to bet I’d say it was Samba, likely on my 350MHz K6 (later snagged a K6-III+ for this board, fastest Socket 7 chip ever produced) so I could share files with my laptop, a Dell, 300MHz Celeron. Running all Linux at the time, not sure what flavors, although I first encountered a Debian derivative with Corel LinuxOS believe it or not, and have used Debian on servers about 95% of the time forever after.

    My first self-hosting on dedicated hardware was a Samba share and DHCP/DNS server, since at the time routers weren’t always a thing, and in fact it was plugged directly into the cable modem … and for a while accidentally served competing DHCP to my neighborhood cable segment, causing intermittent problems for who knows how many users including myself, because the cable company didn’t filter broadcast traffic!!! When I finally found that config mishap, holy shit was it an awkward monkey moment … fix the typo and walk away slowly … wild west days!!