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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Websites need to generate revenue. If you run a torrent site you are probably well aware that those who visit your site are craftier than your average web user. If people are using ad blockers then you aren’t able to generate revenue to pay for hosting and your own time maintaining things. Your option then is to try your best to make the ads on your site even craftier to try and bypass adblockers so you can monetize. Your other option is to let all the ads get blocked, get no revenue, make the website become solely your financial burden… Or you know. Your users disable the adblockers when on your site and the ads won’t have to be so aggressive and your site can monetize.

  • This is great advice. To add to this, over sleeping in general will tank your energy and make you feel even more tired. To add to this I know personally that feeling as if I have slept through a big portion of my free time will make me feel very upset and definitely make my depression worse. It’s taken me a very very long time (probably 6-7 years) to actually realize this and force myself to not just slump around on days off but to actually get a proper amount of sleep and wake up early in the morning. Typically I will get up anywhere between 6-8am and I always feel much better as I know I have so much of my day ahead of me to work on projects or even just relax and watch TV, play video games, or spend time prepping for my week ahead just to do some simple things to minimize the amount of work I have ahead of me during the week.

  • Yeah but that’s not even true. It’s cheap to live here and employers pay well, with lots of available work. Maybe in whatever area you live it’s rough but it’s pretty easy to thrive with very little education in the cities, I’m not sure why you think that someone’s money would now be worthless, it’s the polar opposite as your cost of living is going to be lower. I’m not sure what has you saying drug use is higher than anywhere else though, quick look at various studies show it’s about on par with the rest of the US. As far as people wanting to leave, I don’t know many but the ones that do are generally people that don’t apply themselves to anything and have a mindset that the reason their life is shit is everyone’s fault but their own. Sadly yes, we are a red state due to gerrymandering but that’s not a problem that can be solved by turning away intelligent people who are capable of shifting the imbalance. Do keep vocalizing the issue with this though because we need more attention brought to conservative corruption here, and good things are coming of it as we recently had some of them get locked up with sentences that weren’t a bullshit slap on the wrist which is cool