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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023

  • TheObviousSolution@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 days ago

    Wait a minute … does this mean Jesus was undead!? Of course, it all makes sense now!

    40 And they laughed at him. But he put them all outside and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was. 41 Taking her by the hand he said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” 42 And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age), and they were immediately overcome with amazement. 43 And he strictly charged them that no one should know this, and told them to give her something to eat. 44 Preferably brains.

  • No, no, you see, because she grew up as a Poo Person she now understand the world from their point and realizes how much they’ve been abused, so she pledges to lead and create a new society because it all turns out to have been a big misunderstanding. Then Poo People learn magitek and we get a sequel with the spin that now they are the oppressors, followed by a movie adaptation that completely ends up killing a cult classic.

  • TheObviousSolution@lemm.eetoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    No, because you could choose to spend it elsewhere, and you might not even feel obligated to live at or work at where it’s most expensive anymore. The real problem with UBI are the way speculative investors (meme stocks, crypto, penny stocks, casinos, any gambling addiction, etc) would prey on the vulnerable people, and there’s a lot of ways to handle that but only if there is a will.

    But the real reason UBI won’t happen is because getting people to die is much cheaper than paying them to live so they have to pay even more for future generations. UBI can’t happen without proper future planning for entire societies. It works great in the short term and in test cases, as a lot of charitable ideas do until the predators come in.

  • Trying to switch the term Troglodyte with Luddite makes your comment even more ironic. The British government ultimately dispatched 12,000 troops to suppress Luddite activity, and as Lord Byron denounced “I have been in some of the most oppressed provinces of Turkey; but never, under the most despotic of infidel governments, did I behold such squalid wretchedness as I have seen since my return, in the very heart of a Christian country”.

    It isn’t the technology, it’s how it’s used, and authoritarians are being much quicker on the uptake because of the iffiness of democratic infighting that has also been unable to topple, suppress, or even stop the power of authoritarian states from growing.

  • Ah, but see, if you don’t call him by his real name, wackytoodlerpops, you are committing blasphemy by worshipping a false idol. Ergo, free grounds for some chop chop in my cult, at least until we get to the religious stage and actually have to establish a stable society which has to consider things like trade from and mingling with the outside world. That’s sort of why Scientology has had to tone down on its fair game policy.

  • I think it’s pretty clear not only what religion I’m referring to, but what branched off sects and eventually separate religions I’m referring to. I think it pretty much has a lot to do with being an atheist, although I guess you consider those the ultimate antisemites as well for seeing the world outside of a fictional religious shell.

    Which peaceful religion are you referring to? I’m having trouble seeing through all the blood.

    Not only are you not the only person, you are the norm of this sad trend.

  • The problem is, it makes it far too easy to brush it away from a point of ignorance and people who consider themselves devout will never look into it. It serves the interests of Christianity and edginess more than it serves something that would identify itself as, say, biblical scholars. Plus, if they become Satanists, which you may consider a joke label, people who would have had a degree of legitimacy in the eyes of Christians who might be convinced to begin questioning their beliefs can now be much more easily discarded because “Oh, didn’t you know, he’s a Satanist!”

    Trying to argue for the term is akin to arguing identifying as a Nazi not because you really support WWII Nazis but want to reclaim the term of socialism within the national perspective as something that can be realistic without the hate, racism, eugenics, and populism. You would be doing more harm to the point you are trying to argue for. It will get views, yes, but are those the views you want?

  • Imagine a being a nascent nomadic cult of a fictional kingdom called Canaan, grown and composed of the downtrodden of its society, that when the kingdom begins to encounter problems beyond its control because it does not know how to or cannot treat them, say plagues and disease, the religion begins blaming the rest of society and the fact that they do not worship their god, El, enough or by their real name, and begin eulogizing killing the rest of society off in extremely violent ways after they manage to survive the plague and disease due to their seclusion.

    Imagine then how no one would admit to being a Canaan because of the risk of getting murdered to such a degree that even the members of the cult, now a religion due to its conquests, would never admit themselves that they came and were formed from said society, making up a story instead about coming from some far off kingdom that most people in the region would know of but would not really know the specifics about, say Egypt.

  • Yeah, people may not believe it, but the company of the CEO who edited comments he disagreed with does do shit like this. They usually do it to accounts that didn’t register with an email or used a temporary one, because they know they can troll them and get away with it. There was a point where they kept up appearances, but just like other social networks, even those close by, they discovered they really didn’t have to. People will still flock, no one gives a shit or they end up forgetting when these violations occur, there’s no real way to denounce them or hold them accountable.