I cast: instant brazilian waxing!
I cast: instant brazilian waxing!
I remember chilling in the basement and using the PS2 to listen to music. Of course, I gamed on it plenty, but having the music player and DVD player function was pretty convenient too.
“Observed corpse” will always be frustrating.
A wizard who can’t cast any spells except telekinesis, and specifically only on enchanted crystal balls.
So, basically, a dude with ripped arms and legs from carrying around a net-bag full of crystal balls waiting to be flung at enemies. Often seen running around the battlefield mid-fight collecting or placing crystal balls, and typically very broke from buying more crystal balls.
I was going to say… being a semi-power-user of Windows, I have to find a LOT of very jank solutions to obscure problems.
I know, I just wanted to “technically” your “technically” to be silly :P
Well technically, it’s not a voice modulating the synth but rather the shape of your mouth. It’s not your voice if you aren’t producing your own sound, I’d argue.
Most likely it’s someone who has a VPN that doesn’t support P2P upload or has their config messed up.
Ah, my favorite month, Octato
Maybe more useful for sous vide. Not a big fan of putting food in hot bags of plastic, though.
To be fair line breaks are not punctuation they are more of a structural thing i hope that makes sense
I agree with you completely, but that doesn’t exempt the current administration from doing more about it. And I don’t mean that as a both-sideism, I just mean that it’s not unhealthy to criticize and encourage the (less shitty) side you are on to be even less shitty.
Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
This is a good consideration, glad you have the foresight to think of that. Wouldn’t want your mug exploding before work!
Anime about trans men being under fire in competitive forklift operating behcause they have a “biological advantage” over AMABs despite the literal mechanisms of hrt.
Leave your mug in the freezer for a few minutes before you make the latte!
I was seriously hoping to see a “New Ohio”
Ah yes, the solution is to give a few students in each poorly-funded school district the opportunity to go to a well-funded private school instead of just funding the public schools.
The charter school grift is evolving.