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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • As a religious organisation, they are allowed to hire based on characteristics that you usually aren’t allowed to discriminate with. They’ve repeatedly supported legislation that would allow them to refuse to hire LGBT people.

    Across several countries, they’ve campaigned against the right for homosexual sex, marriages, inclusion in media.

    They refused a $3.5m contract from the San Francisco city gov because it would’ve included giving the same domestic benefits to same-sex couples.

    They said they’d leave New York if they were forced to offer the same domestic benefits to same-sex couples.

    They campaigned against UK local councils including gay people in media like leaflets and the like.

    High ups in The Salvation Army has said if you support gay rights you shouldn’t donate to them.

    They’re extremely transphobic too, of course.

    They did a bunch of child sexual abuse in Australia.

    In the UK they own a lot of property that poor people stay in, and the conditions have been so bad that it was unlawful.

    For the most part it’s just that they’re homophobic as fuck.

  • Concerning if true.

    However, it should be noted that other sources have been unable to verify this claim.

    On top of this, National Post was founded, and describes itself as, a Zionist newspaper.

    National post has, in the past, falsely reported that Iran passed a law requiring Jewish people to wear badges signifying their religion, with the article also featuring an image of Jews in Nazi Germany with Jewish armbands. This reporting was false.

    None of this outright proves this claim is true or untrue. It’d be wise to take it with a grain of salt until we know more.

  • I think they mean they immediately know which button to press as in press the one that they’re designing the pop-up around encouraging you not to press.

    i.e. “that button is given far less emphasis and made less convenient to press, so it must be the good one.”

    I’d call that shitty. It’s not that the design is good, it’s that the above person has become so accustomed to navigating this shitty dark pattern that it has become ingrained in how they use computers.

    Kinda like gaining the experience of knowing which download link is the real one on a website full of fake download buttons. The fact that we can pick out the real one with a moment’s thought doesn’t make that any less of a scummy design move.