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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I spent a season working in a packing house for watermelons. They’d come in by the crateload and we were allowed to just grab one to eat any time we wanted.

    The trick I was taught, and which proved to be pretty reliable over the course of the season, was to feel the veins. (This is possibly what’s being described as webbing here?) Watermelons aren’t smooth, they have wide “veins” running top to bottom and you can feel them if you put your hand flat on the side of the melon. The bigger/poofier/wider the veins, the more ripe is it.

  • I installed Connect, Jerboa and Liftoff. Those are the three that are on the Play Store (so easy to install) and look professional (sorry Lemmotif).

    I opened each one and Liftoff immediately stood out for how cleanly it presented the information. I am not a huge fan of the navigation style, I assume that’s the iOS style with the buttons on the bottom. I’m sure I can get used to it.

    Connect was pretty good too. Easy to tell posts apart, though I like Liftoff’s presentation slightly better. Connect put the pic/preview above the header info, while Liftoff always has the header first. I much prefer Liftoff’s style there. [EDIT - Connect has a setting to change this! Score!] Connect uses a very familiar navigation bar on the right, which I really like. The color scheme is ass, hopefully that changes later.

    Jerboa… I literally can’t tell when one post ends and another begins. Completely unusable IMHO.

    So I am going to mess with Connect and Liftoff a bit and see which is better from a day to day usability perspective. They both have pros and cons at first glance so it’s time to dig deeper.

    EDIT - Okay gave Jerboa another shot and it’s not that bad. It’s actually pretty decent within a given post. I’ll mess with it some more too.