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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • You’re both right.

    Often, descriptors like simply, only, just, etc. are used to diminish or manage perceptions of dissent.

    However, saying ‘no it’s just a riot’ in this case is merely accurate grammar, as it’s applying needed nuance and limits to the definition of civil disobedience.

  • People are so touchy about being judged, so ready to be insulted. It all works in favour of the authoritarians.

    Sure, we need to talk out the terms and agree on things, but that only works when people have open minds and critical thinking. In the meantime the epic struggle is between those who work, and those who own.

    All the quibbles about left and right, about borders and morality, about identity, is distraction from solving the problems of fundamental disparity.

    Basically, living in a kleptocracy sucks. Owners vs workers, authoritarians vs egalitarians: these are the real battles.

  • I can’t recall the study right now, but there have been more than one, so it shouldn’t be too hard to look this up: people typically get more liberal as they age, but society becomes even more progressive than that, so they fall behind and feel like they are becoming more conservative.

    This does not include the regressive types who are trying to create Gilead, however.

  • 13 years one account, 9 years the other.

    After the API enshittification clarion, I sat down for hours and munged every. single. damn. comment with a complaint about this.

    THEN I deleted the accounts.

    For now, Lemmy is merely potential, but shaping up. Mastodon is microblogging and is built around individuals promoting themselves, so it feels egotistical, but it’s more mature than Lemmy so I lurk there for now too.

    Ultimately I am a forum user, as a participant in a conversation. Looking forward to that again.