She/her. 24

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2022


  • Warning ⚠️: Nasty Images, Creepy Crawlies

    A lot of folk will never know they have bed bugs - the only indicators being blood from squashing them in one’s sleep, filth in their nests, blood from their fecal matter, and their eggs.

    For me, I’ll know I have them when my skin looks like this after sleeping.

    It is the itchiest thing imaginable. So much worse than mosquitoes or other insect bites, in my experience. When they bite, it feels like an electric shock. I’ll jolt, scramble on my bed looking for the villain, only for their ridiculous speed to make it impossible to catch them in the act.

    I get paranoid even thinking about them. If I feel what feels like a bite, I won’t be able to sleep. I’ll spend all night lifting up my mattress, my bed frame, looking underneath everything, opening every vent, and checking every corner. They’re sneaky as shit, though, and can prove almost impossible to find. Worse still, they’re amazing climbers.

    If you see stains like this on your sheets or pillows, be wary. You likely squashed a few of the monsters in your sleep.

    They can hide anywhere. I don’t have pictures of it, but my parents had doors with grates/vents on them, and they were stained dark red and brown from the bed bug infestation. They can get in your outlets, too.

    Imagine a blissful night of sleep being interrupted by this thing crawling on the back of your neck. I picked one off of me and I swear I was stunned. I started squishing the fucker in my fingers trying to figure out what the hell it was before throwing it across the room. In hindsight, I should have flushed it down the toilet. It probably would have survived, regardless. The bastards survive almost anything, especially bug sprays specifically marketed towards killing them.

    Don’t let the images or my descriptions make anyone reading paranoid. It feels like even mentioning the words “bed bug” is enough to manifest them into existence, sometimes. You probably know if you have them. If you’re worried, be on the lookout for stains like those in the spoiler, and cylindrical off-white tubes about the size of a pen’s tip. Kill on sight, and show no mercy. They will show you none.

  • I would not say without a fight. The Finnish Whites massacred the Finnish Reds (…and by extension anyone at all thought to be sympathetic to workers).

    The victors massacred the vanquished. Since ancient times class wars have always been the most frightful. There are no more bloody and atrocious victories than the victories of reactionary classes. Since the blood-bath inflicted on the Paris Commune by the French bourgeoisie, the work had not seen anything comparable to the horrors of Finland. From the first shot of the civil war, “belonging to a workers’ organization in White territory meant arrest; to have been an official in such organization meant execution. The massacre of socialists reached such proportions that it ended by interesting no one.” At Kummen, where 43 Red Guards fell in battle, nearly five hundred persons were executed! There were “hundreds” executed at Kotka, a town of thirteen thousand inhabitants. “They didn’t even ask their names; they just led them away in groups.” At Raumo, according to a bourgeois newspaper, “five hundred prisoners captured on May 15 got the punishment they deserved the same day.” “April 14 in Toeloe, a suburb of Helsingfors, two hundred Red Guards were killed with machine guns … The Reds were hunted from house to house. Many women perished.” At Sveaborg the public executions were set for Trinity Sunday. In the neighborhood of Lakhtis, where the Whites took thousands of prisoners, “the machine guns worked several hours a day.” “On one day alone two hundred women were killed with dumdum bullets; pieces of flesh flew in every direction.”

  • I do not want to get too far into it for my own safety, but I’d argue against even becoming involved with BRG or his org FTP.

    Just listen to his interview on revleft to get a grasp of how little he actually cares about achieving revolution. It’s almost nothing but buzzwords – China is social imperialist and revisionist, the answer to revolution in Amerika is simply PPW, etc. etc. Tautological nothings.

    FTP is slightly less deranged than the Red Guards. They still uphold Gonzalo, much as they try to pretend they don’t.

  • As a certified Bipolar, I still think this is a worthwhile conversation to have.

    There can be aspects of a field of study that are worth preserving while others exist that are worth less than nothing.

    My medication journey began with my involuntary instutionalization as a child because I told my mom I was so depressed I wanted to drop out of school. I was sent to a juvenile detention center (selling itself as a “behavioral health facility”). It was hell. I was a suicidal, depressed teenager now surrounded by other kids ranging from runaways to pyromaniacs to sex offenders to those with violent tendencies.

    It took 7 years to get my meds where they needed to be for me to function, and another 2 to find a med combination I can be content with. For those 7 years, I took prozac. I do not speak lightly when I say those years fried the hell out of my brain, and it’s taken long, tumultuous years of work to try to unfry it.

    I am glad for my meds. I attend pay-what-you-can therapy. The end goal of all of it, though, despite my intentions, despite my healthcare providers’ intentions – at a systemic level – is to transform me and other useless eaters into productive members of society, not fully actualized people.

    Oh, and to sell meds at 2000x the price it costs to manufacture them, of course.

    Tangential addendum: the DSM sucks and has a foundation rooted in oppression and repression of LGBT people and political dissidents. and the overly prescriptive nature of western psychiatry (as opposed to a more holistic view of mental health) is maintained by the effort of pharmaceutical and healthcare profiteers through captured agencies like the American Psychiatric Association.

    I highly recommend the website for an alternative view - what they call critical psychiatry.