Shinji_Ikari [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • I started using it about 8-9 years ago at this point, back when the options were FB messenger or whatsapp. Both were trash and limited in comparison.

    I only use signal for work but I find the app clunky and unintuitive. Telegram, being a somewhat privacy nightmare, but not connected to a big data broker company, also gives me the ability to search through a decade of messages to find an old joke, a picture shared, etc.

    Telegram is simple enough that I can tell my aging gen x parents and apathetic zoomer siblings to install it and there’s nearly zero friction to them logging in and receiving messages. It solved the problem of being added to a new fucked up imessage groupchat every other week as an android user.

  • Its not dead simple but its also not extremely complex.

    I’m currently working with some interns and there’s just concepts they were never exposed to. Without decent mentoring, git can be difficult because a lot of the workflow does come with experience.

    That being said everyone needs to stop acting like its an impossible task to properly do source control. There is some truth that if you don’t care enough to do your source control, you don’t care enough to write decent code. Its not a moral failing, just take some pride in your craft.

    Show the newbies how to care and they’ll care enough to want to do it right. Measure twice, cut once and all that.

  • I lived above a screen printing business owned by the landlord. I had these weird itchy rashes for a while and went to a dermatologist who said it was Psoriasis. I was super depressed and didn’t change my bed sheets for a while. On the day I was moving out after the landlord told me to leave a month early, i pull up my sheets and see hundreds of these bugs and just leave the sheets on the bed, pack up all my cloth items in black garbage bags, and gtfo of there.

    The landlord fucking charged me a cleaning fee for the sheet left on the bedbug infested mattress, above her husbands screen printing store, that printed shirts for large events in the city.

    To this day I check creases in hotels and basically refuse to allow any used furniture into my home that might conceal these evil creatures.

  • I found a brother laser printer for 8 bucks at a thrift store and it printed with linux over USB as soon as I got it home without any tweaking.

    I then directly networked it to a raspberry pi, configured it with cups and shared the printer over my network. Every device was able to discover it instantly and I can print from anything, android phone, ipad, mac, linux laptop, etc.

    It’s absolutely freeing. I found an OEM toner cartridge for like 30 bucks, so I have like 2000 bw prints ready to go for like 40 dollars all in.

  • That’s great and all, but this is a federated comm, it appeared on my home page under active. I don’t know if it matters if I personally shared my XMonad config and custom volume widget or commented on yet another custom tiling wm. I always exclusively lurked on the subreddit. I lurk on this one too. Discussion isn’t usually that insightful besides “wow!” and “theme?”.

    This time, there was actual discussion and I decided to join in. Much more interesting than the 900th i3 gaps with an 18 pixel gap and 15 lines of code visible in the terminal.