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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • Yeah I absolutely relate to this, but challenging people yo be objective and showing them a new perspective* that is outside of the norm is not gaslighting. Asking someone to question their behavior is not gaslighting. Especially when you are here applying the same reasoning to yourself.

    Gaslighting is intentionally making somebody question their perceivable reality with the intent to manipulate for your own gain. I don’t think this applies to philosophical questions of morality unless you are contradicting and forcing your beliefs on them through some type of moral absolutism. I also don’t think it applies if you convince someone the closed down shop was a hot dog stand and it was actually a Burger stand so long as you were honestly mistaken. If you keep them in the dark intentionally after learning the truth that would probably be though.

    It is possible also that your definition of truth is too broad and you need to interject some self doubt, since we’ve all been wrong before, and maybe in that invitation to discuss both possibilities your approach will be refined.

    In line with what others here are saying, I have the same thoughts as you and i got diagnosed with ADHD late, the psychiatrist mentioned I fit multiple criteria for ASD but that ADHD correctly captures most symptoms so we go with that. If possible taking assessments and talking to a profrssional should help cut down on these instances where you assume the worst of yourself.

  • Yeah looking at the meme it definitely misuses the saying “no war but class war”. People in the comments are pretty unanimously taking it as OP did, probably because they are viewing it not only as a rightwing psy op but foremost as a material attack on their civil rights (which is indeed what it is.) if you intended to dismiss the ‘culture war’ as a right wing op then this missed the mark because it didnt take the mask off to reveal what the culture war actually is - it just dismisses it in favor of class war (which is a false choice) and somehow legitimizes the culture war by applying it as the target of an antiwar slogan.

    In summary the meme is bad. It doesn’t reflect your stated views, it acknowledges the culture war as a war, and then makes a point not to participate in that and to focus on class instead.

  • Class war would not be won without intersectionality / solidarity. Its an anti war slogan, not an excuse to further dismiss marginalized groups.

    The culture war is made up by people trying to take rights away from minority groups.Iif your class war incorporates those groups, addresses the injustices against them and enshrines their rights there is literally no distinction.

    Anyone who uses this slogan to dismiss social liberation struggles is an absolute dickhead and working against class interests. No war means stop funding and fighting actual wars.

  • Very true, thats why its great to check out primary sources. Note this yahoo article never out right says the translation is from MEMRI. The author listed by yahoo is actually a different newspaper Ukrainska Pravda. They attribute quotes to The Times of Israel, which does actually disclose the source of translation as MEMRI. The author on pravda.UA is listed as editor Iryna Balachukwho very clearly spun the original article. The times of Israel actually shows the headline itself is paraphrasing a tweet by MEMRI. The whole chain of plagiarism is to legitimize propaganda by getting it over to yahoo while hiding the source of the quotes knowing most people wont dig so deeply into it.

    If you do happen to dig a little for sources and havent heard of the “Middle East Media Research Institute”, the name itself doesnt betray any bias. It is a psy-op and it has been since its inception, which is very easily gleaned by reading the sources in Wikipedia if you havent yet seen their works over the years showcasing the absolute craziest moments in Arab TV.

  • Go to the Wikipedia, click on Reception, load the archived sources 40 thru 45 and then ask yourself how credible MEMRI is.

    How Memri translates is here in the debate on source 45:

    In your Special Dispatch 151, for instance, you translated an interview given by the mufti of Jerusalem to al-Ahram al-Arabi, shortly after the start of the Palestinian uprising.

    One question the interviewer asked was: “How do you deal with the Jews who are besieging al-Aqsa and are scattered around it?” Memri translated this as: “How do you feel about the Jews?” - which is a different question. That left you with a reply in Arabic which didn’t fit your newly-concocted question. So you cut out the first part of the mufti’s reply and combined what was left with part of his answer to another question.