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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I used to have Netflix, HBO Max, Youtube Premium, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime and “Videoland”. But since I used Linux, I could not stream with a higher bitrate. I could not download for offline playback, I had to jump through hoops to get things to play every now and then.

    They also did not always have everything I wanted to see, or I had to pay extra for “premium early access” (Disney).

    So I was fed up, learned about using multiple usenet backbones, how to send sabnzbd through VPN’s, Radarr, Sonarr and Overseerr. Now I only have Netflix and Youtube Premium for my wife. And Plex for myself. And access to much more content.

    And I do not consider it stealing, i consider it to be the natural result of them trying to gouge me while still not providing me.

  • I see your point. It’s just kinda… Not true I think.

    As I see it: They never wanted McCarthy anyway, he was too extreme for them from the beginning. They realized pretty soon that they would rather see him go then stay, since it would just be too difficult to get on board with his shenanigans. He was not being a Speaker of the House, the whole house, he was trying to be the lackey for the Republicans.

    And using the shutdown as a way to pressure them was a republican thing. Not the Dems. The Dems just called their bluf. Which in the end… turned out to be just that.

    In the end, republicans are doing this to themselves, they are (rather) quickly destroying the party from within. Fascinating to see.

  • As a parent of two boys, i feel that much of the annoyance of no-children-having people is due to parents not putting boundaries for children in place.

    Children scream because of attention. It means they are not getting it.

    Start walking around with the kid to calm it down. Its your job as a parent. You cannot stay seated and act like “what are you gonna do? They are children ! They scream!”

    No. You are a bad parent for letting them just scream.

    Having said that, babies sometimes just scream without reason. Perhaps, and I mean this, if you have a baby that is prone to doing this, do not travel in confined spaces, or dine at restaurants until that phase of screaming is over.

  • Tell me 1 good deed done in the name of religion that could not have been done without religion.

    There are numerous heinous deeds done in the name of religion because it told them to do it…

    People are people, they will do bad and good things. But religion always makes them worse because they put themselves above others.

    The religious are only persecuted by other religions and currently religions are persecuting the non believers. (Christo fascism in the USA as a prime example)

    And lastly, if churches would start paying their fair share of tax. No one will need to donate ever again.