
… Looking for a Lemmy instance to run to. The wrong-image thing is funny but I’m feeling pretty done with “Error” and never getting access to some commagazines even when they should be federated.

Meep :3
She/They, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • [Sarcasm/Joke] It’s definitely my insistence on using women’s restrooms that made them poor, so they’ve got a point there.

    [Doubling down hard on sarcasm/joke] That, and the people starving to death standing up in cages that presumably smell horrible because “The Greatest Country In The World” can’t afford “luxuries” like soap or space to sit down.

    Now that I’ve made myself angry, does anyone have an update on that whole “we throw everyone we catch being brown into cages and just wait for them to die” situation? Oh nevermind, last few times I looked I couldn’t find anything currentish. Sounds like Biden “largely ended” the whole concentration camps thing (internment camps? Happy Fun Camps? I forget what we’re allowed to call them without getting jumped on by people who are okay with humans in cages for being a ‘wrong’ colour) but is, uh… thinking of reinstating it? ( ) Great. Maybe if we do enough evil and treat enough people horribly enough we’ll finally be able to go extinct knowing we didn’t the best we could.

    Sorry, guess you didn’t ask for that 🤷‍♀Also I’m glad you’re not spez. Fuck that guy.

  • Yep. Nothing’s ever worked out, I’ve never had the opportunity, ability, and inspiration to get anything done. Some inspiration but I just can’t. Mental problems, financial problems, social problems, always something in the way and I just kinda give up and play video games for a few months because that’s all I can do. All’ the cheap philosophy around here is like, “Oh, but you have a warm bed and a safe home and Internet access” but the bed’s too warm to sleep some nights, the “home” is really not safe or healthy for me, and the Internet is a pile of memes and memers and several kinds of news that make me glad humanity’s driving itself extinct and ready to jump ahead on that. I’m just not compatible with this hell-world.

    It’s a journey, they say. Yeah, the kind of journey where some of us get tied to a truck and dragged around town. “Enjoy the ride!” they say. Yeah, sure.

    Anyway, what the bollocks am I even doing here? Idunno. Answer is yes, you’re not the only one who feels like it’s all been a waste but I think it’s not just a “you’re some kinda loser” sort of thing. While it’s true that not everyone can or should do “incredible things” it’s also the case that this world’s pretty aggressively built to prevent much of anything from happening :-\ Go to work, rest for work tomorrow, repeat, repeat, repeat. Consume some memes. No thoughts, no room to breathe. It’s amazing that anyone does accomplish anything. And then it gets taken and sold. still rantyrambling for some reason. Better just post and hope no one notices, I guess