“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • … No. They’re instanced so that when a new person interacts with them, they don’t have the memories of interacting with the person before them. A clean slate, using only the training data in the form the developers want it to. It’s still AI, it’s just not your girlfriend. The fact you don’t realize that they do and can learn after their training data proves people just hate what they don’t understand. I get it, most people don’t even know the difference between a neural network and AI because who has the time for that? But if you just sit here and go “nuh uh they’re faking it” rather than push people and yourself to learn more, I invite you, cordially, to shut the fuck up.

    Dipshits giving their opinions as fact is a scourge with no cure.

  • Because nobody likes self aggrandizement. The perception that so many people only do it to make themselves appear to be better people because of their morally superior choice is often a vile taste to anyone who hasn’t made that same choice.

    We all know eating meat is bad and for the many reasons for it. What we don’t want to hear is that someone made the switch and that their bleeding heart simply couldnt take it anymore.

    I eat beyond meat and I do my best to transition, yet, I’d never say that for the purpose of making myself seem like a better person. Vegans typically do.

  • It’s not hypocrisy. A billionaire is orders of magnitudes richer than a millionaire. A millionaire doesn’t have nearly the same capacity to do overwhelming good as a billionaire does.

    A millionaire who chooses not to use their money to help isn’t good but a billionaire who chooses not to use their money to help is decidedly evil.

    Much like how you not giving half your sandwich to a homeless guy isn’t good but a restaurant that throws out perfectly good food at the end of the night directly next to a homeless shelter is decidedly evil.

  • The thing is, there was only ever one good billionaire and he gave his money away to such a degree he was no longer a billionaire. While Mark Cuban has done good, surely even saved and improved many lives, he still has a billion more ways to do so. Plenty of good millionaires out in the world, there are no good billionaires.

    The mere concept of a billion anything is so hard to comprehend that it serves repeating.

    One million seconds is 12 days. One billion seconds is 32 years.

  • Lmao I prefer renewable energy over coal and oil but the morons like you who idolize it while ignoring the fact it’s creating insane amounts of waste is what pisses me off. You need to constantly ignore the downsides of green energy because if you didn’t you’d quickly see how fucking awful it is. The only green energy I want is nuclear. I don’t give a shit if it’s fission or fusion, it’s nuke or nothing babe.

    The ewaste from photovoltaic cells is already at a billion kilograms. A billion. They’re not being recycled properly, just like plastic bottles, fuckheads dump them in the garbage. So no, fuck solar and fuck wind, both aren’t worth the massive amounts of garbage they produce. I’ll say it until my dying breath, solar and wind are not the fucking answer to climate change. Stop celebrating them.