Software engineer, functional programming enthusiast.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2021


  • Yes! Emacs has already taken over most of my desktop environment apps with the exception of the web browser and a few apps like Blender and Gimp. I haven’t gone as far as you, getting each Emacs buffer to display in its own frame in is own WM-level window, but that would make for a more immersive experience. Also, your color scheme is similar to the one I use now. I love it.

    I can’t wait for the day when software written in Lisp takes over my window manager, then my panel, then my session manager, then my whole operating system kernel.

  • I like it! What I would have done differently: use the original colors, the deep blue color for the window decoration in Windows 98 is quite different from the color you are using. Also I would use a green wallpaper of a shade closer to the default on Windows 95/98, and an icon theme with beige and yellow icons.

    I have actually been wanting to do something like this with the old Mac OS 7 “Platinum” theme, modernizing it for Xfce so it looks like the old Mac OS 7 in spirit, but not exactly like Mac OS 7 the way most immitation Platinum themes try to do.

  • It is hard to defend against the toxic fedi bros. A lot of them joined only after getting banned from a more mainstream platform for being too toxic.

    One possible recommendation, not great but maybe better than nothing: start an invite only women safe space Lemmy server and moderate it yourself, federate with most large instances but be ready to temporarily defederate when your server gets brigaded. Enlist the help of femenists in tech.

  • I thuoght at first you somehow got the Terminus font to work in you terminal emulator and lemonbar or whatever panel thing you are using.

    I took a closer look at your dotfiles and found it was this “spleen” font, which looks really nice! I might try that one out for myself!

    (Reads your Neocities page)

    I’m Currently Learning : Common Lisp, Clojure, & StumpWM.

    Ask Me About : OpenBSD, Gentoo, Ricing *NIX, Music Theory, & Calculators.

    Cool! Well, I am just going to have to follow you on Mastodon then! I’ll might just ask you about those things.

  • Ramin Honary@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhat do you choose?
    11 months ago

    Exactly. I’m an atheist and electronics geek, but I am torn between Radio Shack and Jesus. I bet Jesus could effectively organize a world-wide general strike that completely overthrows capitalism and replaces it with a dictatorship of the proletariat so fast it would make Jeff Bezos’ head spin and pop off.

    As long as I am fantasizing, I’ll bet if Radio Shack came back, they would start selling Framework laptops to ordinary consumers and kick-start a market of DIY mobile computing platforms from laptops to cell phones to TV sets to home rack-mount servers running fediverse services all built with standardized parts and overthrow the consumerist electronic appliance market.