Over the years it gets tiring, it doesn’t help that there’s a huge technological illiteracy issue even though we depend on it and use it every waking moment.
Over the years it gets tiring, it doesn’t help that there’s a huge technological illiteracy issue even though we depend on it and use it every waking moment.
Exactly, we’re not defined by our relationship with Reddit.
This hurt to read, good job.
Look Harry, it’s the new Chumbus 2000!
Half way through I was hoping for it to end but no, there was more
I feel personally attacked by this
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And people will join on there and it will have more success than better alternatives probably, at least for now. It’s mindblowing how little people care/understand.
And it’s not even like Meta offers any good service, FB has been crap forever.
Same, I tried to move to Signal a couple years ago, but I couldn’t get anybody except one friend to follow, so I gave up on it. I would try again, but I know it wouldn’t go any different, yet.
I kept reading of this so I went and had a look. It’s a bit worse than usual, and I saw the Doordarsh posts, but nothing else: this isnt a catastrophic end, it’s just continuing on its slow decline as it has already bean for a while now.
Ah fuck, back to the drawing board!
Step 1: Announce very unpopular changes Step 2: Ignore backlash, go through with the plan Step 3: Predictably, lose users and advertisers Step 4: ??? Step 5: Why advertise on reddit?
Gain a monopoly, get users addicted and reliant, then change the rules of the game and hope they stick with you. It’s happening now because of the economy for sure, but it’s not like it’s surprising.
It’s a bit of a dated stereotype, thank Hollywood and the “nerd vs jock” trope.